Chapter 6:The Deceptors

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I did not know where Chris and Will were staying. Because I woke up to an empty house. And they said, they were protecting me. I was alone mostly and they somehow kept an eye on me. I would have started reading my book again when the door bell rang.

Chris and Will came in. Will looked good and by good, he wasn't tired like before. Chris went straight to the kitchen and Will plopped on the couch. He took my book in his hand and inspected it.

"Is this your diary?"

He didn't have to know what it was.


He put it down and picked up the TV remote. He was comfortable, so I moved towards the kitchen. Chris was typing furiously in his phone.

"Keep an eye on him,"he said without looking at me.


"Because we don't know him and we can't trust anyone."

"Okay, are you going somewhere?"

"I need to tell everyone what happened yesterday. I couldn't do it with him present. I can't take any unnecessary risks. Keep him here, and I'll be back in an hour."


"So how was your sister like?"

"What?"Will turned towards me from the TV screen. It was an amazing feat because his eyes were glued to it. He did not look up when Chris left.

"Was she always pulling your leg?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I don't have any siblings."

His face softened.

"She was calm and collected always. She loved painting and gardening. She worked so hard and she was always energetic. Do you think I'll find her?"

That question wasn't unexpected but still I did not expect it.

"Yes, you will."

"Thank you for letting me stay here. Don't you have to go to school?"

I would have been happy if I was a Mind Reader because I didn't know how to answer that.

"Because you and Chris aren't at school right now and yesterday. So I figured you weren't going."

I didn't know why I felt the need to defend myself.

"We are home schooled. We are taking some time off."

He nodded. "So do you wanna watch some cartoons?"

We watched cartoons for three hours straight. I wondered why Chris hadn't returned. It wasn't like he gave me a phone to call him. We were laughing and seeing Tom and Jerry when the door opened. Chris saw us and scowled. Before I could think about that, he walked away.

What was that for?

I got up and followed him to the kitchen. The fridge was stocked because he took out two juice bottles and handed one to me.

"Are you angry?"

He looked at me and shook his head.


"You shouldn't be getting close with him. We don't know who he is. You can't trust anyone you don't know."

I didn't like what he said.

"Its my judgement. I can do what I like."

"Yeah but you shouldn't trust anyone."

"That means I shouldn't trust you too."

"You don't understand. He is someone you never knew. I am not. I know you from when you didn't know how to walk properly. He doesn't. I wouldn't put you in danger. We can't say that about him. I just want you to be safe."

"Are you sure that's the reason because you don't have to be furious now?"

He scowled again. I didn't back off.

"Fine. Do whatever you want. Be careful."

"If that is the case, why did you leave me huh? Wouldn't I be harmed if I am alone?"

"I was standing outside. I didn't go anywhere."

"Then why are you acting weird? Are you jealous or something? That would be weird."

"No. That doesn't make sense. I don't want you to trust everyone and everything. The same goes with the book. It came handy in many situations, but you don't know its origin. Sometimes things go wrong easily because you don't expect to be betrayed by someone you trust. It happens more often than you think."

"I know. We were just watching some cartoons, and he was good. How come he isn't tired?"

"He is an elemental. His element recharges him. He wouldn't be tired after that. Do you really believe him?"

"What do you mean? Did you read his mind?"

"I tried, but I didn't get anything specific only some flashes of light. That's why I am suspicious. Not everyone can block a Mind Reader. Even if they do, we get some feelings. Not light flashes. You be careful. We don't want someone knowing about us."

"Sure. By the way did he ask you about our school?"

"No. Did he ask you?"

"Told him we were home schooled."

"You can still lie pretty well. Don't tell him details."

"Okay. Can we return to the TV? We can ask him about his sister."

Will was still engrossed in the TV. He was doing a good job ignoring that we talked in the kitchen. We sat in the nearby chairs.

Chris asked Will, "Did you meet someone new when you were with your sister?"

He looked at Chris, "No. There were no magical people there mostly. We did see some Deceptors though."

"What are Deceptors?" I couldn't help but ask.

Now I felt like a circus freak when I saw their look. Chris was giving me that look because I shouldn't have portrayed the fact that I had no recollection of my memories. Will gave me that look. Because I was being ridiculous.

"Aria wasn't taught about magic till she was sixteen so she still doesn't know many things."

Saved by Chris and his quick answer.

Will nodded as if the answer satisfied him.

"Deceptors are people who can look like, whoever they want to if they get in the victim's head. They can change their appearance according to their will."

They sounded dangerous. If you could change into someone else, the implications were real bad. They could cause much harm.

"Its hard to read someone's mind. Don't worry. It's very hard for Deceptor's to change because everyone know how to shield their mind. Mind Readers are other case, though." Will said looking at me.

His words didn't calm me because Deceptors were bad news. And they were near when his sister went missing. Was she captive? Or did she go willingly? As far as Will was concerned, she went missing. He wouldn't consider any other option.

What would Deceptors want with an Elemental?

Author's note:

Sorry everyone for the late update. I was little busy.

What are your thoughts about Nova and Will?
What do you think about Deceptors and Elementals?
And do you think Chris was right?

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