Chapter 1

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My bedroom felt so empty.
So lonely.
Without Bakugou here....
He snuck into my bedroom most night and when he wasn't here he'd message me constantly.
I've grown so acustom my boyfriends loud mouth that the silence in this room was almost consuming.

... They stole him from me...

Sitting with my knees pushed up to my chest, tears streaming down my face. My boyfriend Bakugou has always been so strong and amazing, watching him get pulled away by the league was far too much to handle...
He looked so helpless.

What if they hurt him?


I jumped at the loud sound breaking the vast silence of the room. I pulling  myself of the big white fluffy bean bag chair that I had buried myself into and walked towards the door.
I slowly turned the handle feeling very on edge after the villians incident and peaked though the crack in the door to see Midorias face, scrunched up with concern.
"Hey (Y/N), I wanted to make sure you where OK, I know you must be so worried about him..." His brow furrowed in determination " please don't feel alone in this. I promise you I will bring him back for you."
I couldn't help but smile at the adorable look of on his face; he's always had that effect on people, everyone except Bakugou. Bakugou hated him, honestly he acted like he wanted to kill Deku when ever he spoke to me.
"Thank you so much," I thew my arms around him trying to comfort the obviously concerned boy "please don't worry about me Deku, Bakugou is strong. He will get out of this. "
We sat there and talked for hours honestly Midoria always knows how to cheer me up. He can always put on that brave smile even when hes sad honestly he reminds me of all might.
I wish we could talk like this more but Bakugou would kill me.
After he left I threw myself onto the bed. My eyes grew heavy and I felt my vision slowly fade as I drifted off to sleep.
My mind began to fill with the image of Bakugou as I fell into a beautiful dream. I dreames that he was holding me again, making me feel so safe and warm, rambling on with himself about being the best.

Later that evening-

I awoke to the sound of my floor boards creaking, my eyes flitted slowly in and out of contiousnus. A parculuar tall slender form loomed over my bed, my body froze with fear, as a strange yet odly naustalgic stitched up face grew closer to my own. I tried screaming but one hand quickly covered my mouth, his other hand pinned my arms to the bed.
I panicked, I could use my quirk to defend myself but... I remember his quirk, those flames... There's no way I'd be able to get him off me without being badly hurt in the process.
I felt a sharp pain enter my arm another villian emerged behind him, this villian had to messy blond buns in her hair. She quickly injected me with a strange purple liquid, my vision began to fade, I heard the females manic laughter echoing around my head as everything faded to black.
Sorry for making this part so short this is just a little backstory to the charecters.
Future chapters will be longer. ♥

A true hero  (Bakugou X Reader X Dabi) Where stories live. Discover now