Chapter 3

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Bakugou dream

The Bakugou dream sequences are all memory's your charecter has from there relationship.
Bakugou won't be in the main part of the story for a while.
(Bakugou dream)
I was stood in the middle of the stadium as our apponents where announced. I scanned the screen until I finally found my name.
Ohh god!!!
How in the hell am I supposed to beat Bakugou? He's so powerful and I can't exactly outwit him. He's a genius.
"Hey idiot, don't think you can beat me," Bakugou voiced boomed behind me so loud it made me jump, "you might as well just give up now." He smirked.
"BACK OF BAKUGOU! " Todaroki stepped between Bakugou and I. That surprised me, I've known Todaroki for so long but he's always been so quiet and reserved.
Bakugou's face grew red with pure rage, "you really think she needs you to defend her, icy hot?"
A spikey red head stepped in between the two, trying to calm down the situation. Kirishima was always good at calming Bakugou down, putting his hand on the angry blond hedgehog of a boy sholder, there bromance is adorable. I chuckled to myself.
"Hey (Y/N)," Uraraka was running towads me followed by Midoria and Iida.
They tried to console and encourage me. Deku even tried to help me plan out my attack.
But... I really didn't want any help, I needed to be on my own to think . I decided to use one of the waiting rooms.
I sat at the cold desk, my knees tucked up to my chest staring nervously at the screen, the room was empty and quiet but I still couldn't focus.
The time dragged by the antisopation was killing me, sure my quirk was powerful against long distance appointments but the second he gets in close his power will be over whelming.
Seconds dragging into minuets, I could barely keep track of time when suddenly, I heard my name being called out. Its time..
I gulped. I forced myself to take a deep breath as stepping forwards towards the stadium.
Bakugou stood there the cocky smile spread across his face, he yelled some arrogant remark at me but my brain felt too scattered to take it in.
The match started and Bakugou lept towards me explosions prepelling him forwards.
My quirk is very similar to Todaroki's as it has two parts. A red hot ball of light comes from my right arm this light can be used like a gun to attack enamies and the left side holds an extremely powerful healing quirk, unfortunately when I use this side of my power the pain of the injury absorbs into me; though a healing quirk won't exactly help me right now.
The light shot from my hand but not towards Bakugou instead it hit the ground behind me, I used the force to prepel myself into the air, it was a very similar attack to the one Bakugou used. I could tell as soon as I saw his face just how mad this made him. I then began using my quirk to attack sending searing hot missiles in his direction, I almost hit him so many times but he dodged them all...
Honestly im really proud of myself I managed to avoid his attacks for at least 15minuits before I was pushed out of the arena.
Sigh, why am I disappointed? I knew this would happen. I walked away hearing the crowd booing at Bakugou.
He wasn't listening to them his eyes remained fixated on me the entire time I walked away, like he saw nothing else.
"wait," I heard a voice call out to me as I was walking back towards the waiting rooms, it was Kirishima.
I stopped and faced him letting our a loud exhale, he rested his arm at the back of his neck obviously nervous to say what he was about too," listen Bakugou was worried about this match too. He might not show it but he really li..."
I interrupted him, "look Kiri I don't need your sympathy or anything, I knew he'd win anyways," I anxiously plastered a false smile across my face, "its fine."
Before he could say anything else I briskly walked away from him, I know it was rude to to just leave like that but, this was our first sports festival and I just wanted to do well.
I sat alone in this cold empty waiting room for what felt like hours, of course Midoria and the others attempted to talk to me but I just told them I was fine and shrugged it off, that was until I heard a voices coming from the other side of the door.
"I.. Wouldnt do that..Kachan!" I could hear Midoras panicked voice echo followed by a arrogant and aggressive sounding laugh.
"You think you can tell me what to do you dam nerd!?"
The door slammed open as the angry boy walked in. He stomped towards me every footstep echoing off the walls of this cold room. He then aggressively slammed both of his hands down on the desk that was in front of me, "Hey nerd!" He flashed that same arrogent smile in my direction, "I heard your upset about losing, you didn't really think you could beat me, right? "
"Kachan stop it," Midoras voice sounded much more calm and assertive this time, that was until Bakugou turned tiny explosions forming at the tips of his finger.
Midoria let out an almost feminine shreek as he trembled obviously traumatised by past experiences.
I smiled at the quivering boy, "its fine Midoria, I'm a big girl I can handle myself."
"A...Are you.. Sure?"
"Of course, it's fine," a look of relief washed over the boys freckled face as he quickly left the room, leaving me alone with the hot headed man looming over me, confident twinkle in his crimson eyes.
"Thank god that stupid Deku's gone, I couldn't stand looking at his stupid nerd face!" He threw himself onto the chair across from me resting both his feet on the table.
"Shut it," I scowled get progressively more mad, Bakugou's face looked shocked he wasn't used to anyone standing up to him, "Midorias a nice guy, I don't know why you have to be such a prick to him all the time. Maybe you could learn a lesson or two from him!"
His deminer changed, he slouched further into his chair and refused to make eye contact with me.
"I don't know what you see in that dam nerd," Bakugou said but not in his normal arrogant tone, instead it was an almost timmid low voice. Jealousy? No it couldn't be. Why would Bakugou be jealous over Midoria?

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