Chapter 7

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I was only 6 years old when the fire started... Villians... Villains took everything from you. Your parents where hero's.
They weren't particularly famous but they where amazing, strong, kind... Everything I could ever want in a family. One day they messed with the wrong villian group and everything changed.
I remember a heavy wall of thick smoke filling my vision... My lungs.. I coughed. My chest feeling heavy and dry. I heard my mother screaming and panic welled within me.
"Toya, please.." my mother's voice yelped, "stop fighting and save my daughter. We won't make it."
Toya was my elder brothers best friend, his farther was extremely abusive and my family practically took him in.
I sprinted towards there voices as fast as my little legs could carry me. I saw my farther and my brother lay on the floor, a group of large men towering monstrously over them. My mum stood infront of them creating a beam of light to try to create a shield over her fallen family, tears filling her big beautiful eyes.
Toya turned towards me, panic filled his turquoise eyes as he ran towards me lifting me up and sprinting to the door.
"Are you ok?" His deep voice cracked as he spoke.
The building behind us exploded. Toya held me tightly his tears falling onto my head when we heard the footsteps from the direction of my home.
It wasn't my family.. It was the villians... Touya put me down.
His red spikey head turned away from me, "run (y/n), they'll hurt you too."
Tears flooded my cheaks as I ran away. I turned around to see him using his flames.
Toya always struggled with his quirk, his fire was stronger then his father's but his mother's ice quirk made him vulnerable to the flames.
I watched him fighting these villians, protecting me. His flames engulfed the villians, the skin on his face bagan pealing away as the flames tore at his skin.

I hadn't seen Toya after that, he sent birthday and Christmas cards for years but I never got the chance to thank him for saving me.

Present day

My hand reached towards his face stroking along the scars, "you saved me again Toya. Thank.. You" I wrapped my arms around him sobbing into his shirt my body shaking as he pulled me closer.
Bakugou would be so mad if he saw anyone else holding me like this.

Dabis pov-

I held her close, her perfect hair falling into my face it smelled like strawberrys and filled my stomach with butterflys.
When did she get so dam cute? I felt my Cheeks flush I pulled her even closer so she wouldn't see my blush or my tears.

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