8. Tentative Allies

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Matilda was sitting in an abandoned neighborhood, on a playground swing, softly singing to her child. Persephone's deep brown eyes scanned every feature of her mother's face, taking in every little detail. Matilda sang softly, even as her ears picked up the subtle squeal of a large truck's brakes in the distance.
"Give me a reason, to believe that you're gone..." She sang, even while she listened to the soldier's boots climbing the steps of the houses surrounding her. She heard another truck in the distance, and heard more footsteps fill the buildings surrounding her. She felt hundreds of eyes upon her from behind her, and heard the subtle squeaking of the floorboards near the windows as the soldiers trained their rifles on the back of her head. She swang back and forth on the rusty swing set, keeping her tone even, so as not to disturb her child who, for once, was calm.
"Some say I'm crazy, for my love..." Matilda sang sweetly, smiling down at her child. She felt nothing when Persephone smiled back at her, her light brown eyes sparkling. It disturbed and frightened her, but Persephone cried whenever Matilda wasn't smiling or singing. It seemed, no matter what she did, Persephone screamed, unless Matilda held her. Matilda kissed her forehead softly, and Persephone reached out and touched her face softly. Matilda felt a single tear slide down her cheek, and the world seemed to fade out around her. Why did she feel nothing? She carried countless souls within her, using their combined power for her own. But where was hers?

Nathan walked up behind her slowly as she continued to sing her haunting melody, totally transfixed on her child. If it even was her child.
"I will stay forever here with you, My Love..." She continued to sing, rocking her child back and forth gently as the swingset creaked rhythmicly. Nathan didn't want to startle her, so he kept his distance as he circled around her. He saw one of her ears turn towards him as he walked ever so slowly. Her song ended softly, and Nathan saw the child looking right at him from Matilda's arms.
"You've got a lovely singing voice." Nathan said softly. Matilda didn't take her eyes off the child, but smiled slightly.
"I haven't sang to anyone in millennia. But it's nice to know I'm good at something... else." She said softly, slowly looking up at him.
"Where did you learn that song?" He asked.
"I don't even remember." She said, smiling back at her child.
"But it seems that music soothes the savage beast." She said, brushing the baby's hair away from her eyes."What can I do for you, mister Spencer?" She asked softly.
"We've got a proposition." Nathan said.
"Do tell." Matilda said.
"Ever since the storm a few years ago, we've had... visitors. All of them look like you." Nathan said. Matilda looked up at him, one eyebrow raised.
"And some of them are scared, and thus, hostile. Some of them have... abilities. Dangerous abilities, sometimes. We're trying to get them all together, and find a way to help them, but, as previously stated, they're hostile. And on top of that, they have been scattered to the winds, it would seem. We've had reports of them from all over the globe, not just here in America." Nathan said.
"And you want me to go find them, and what? Kill them?" Matilda asked.
"No, not at all. We want you to save them. They're in a foreign land, probably in hostile enviroments, and scared witless. We want you to save them, as many as we can. In return, we will provide you and your... daughter with a place to stay, far from potential harm, or potential discomfort. We can help you." Nathan said.
"You think I'm incapable of raising my daughter?" Matilda asked, standing slowly.
"Yeah." Nathan said, shrugging.

Matilda was taken aback. She had never seen someone so nonchalant about telling her she was inadequate. Maybe he was right.
"You can't do it out here. What have you even eaten since you got here? Have you checked her for ticks, or bug bites, or mites, or fleas?" Nathan asked. Matilda glared at him, and Nathan knew he had gone too far.
"I am not a Dog, mister Spencer. I am an ancient, immortal vampire Wilderfolk. I am the bane of the powerful, the Usurper of the Vampire throne, murderer of the king, assassin of the tyrant, and Queen of the Ak-Dovurak Horde. I am the element of Darkness and the single most powerful sorceress to ever exist. I am Matilda, and if I hear anyone doubt my capabilities again, I will devour them whole." Matilda said, as the sky darkened and a cold wind kicked up, sucking the heat out of Nathan's bones. The baby squirmed in Matilda's arms, and the winds died as the sun came back out.
"She doesn't like it when you do that." Nathan pointed out.
"So it would seem." Matilda said, glaring at him still.
"I will consider your offer, mister Spencer. In the meantime, I suggest you maintain your distance from me, lest you become my daughter's next meal." Matilda said, walking away. Nathan was taken aback. His next words caught in his throat at first, but he managed after a few seconds.
"Have you been feeding that baby human flesh!?" Nathan yelled at her, appalled. Matilda grinned at him over her shoulder, her brilliant white teeth reflecting the sunlight into his eyes. He winced, and when he opened his eyes, she was gone. Nathan heard chatter over the radio, and realised she had somehow evaded every single sniper he had positioned in case she said no.

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