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You wake up when you hear a bang downstairs. You look to your right and find that Alex isn’t there. It’s still dark outside so it must be the middle of the night and you think he’s just dropped something while getting a drink so you settle back down. You hear another bang and smile slightly thinking ‘He’s so clumsy’ before you hear a scream. It’s not a high-pitched scream, it’s quite deep and it sounded like Alex. You sit up in bed quickly and you hear a smash of a window before you swing your legs out of the bed and run down the stairs so fast, you could practically be flying. You turn the corner and run into the living room.

‘Alex?! ALEX?!’ you scream, not finding him there. You walk into the kitchen and your blood turns cold. The window is smashed above the sink and Alex is laying there on the floor, covered in blood. ‘Oh my god, ALEX?’ you scream again as you rush to his side, kneeling down. His eyes are closed and his lips are a light blue.

You feel like you’re going to throw up but you stay at his side and shake his shoulder, screaming his name as you do so. When he doesn’t answer, you do it again, a bit harder this time. No matter how many times you scream his name and shake him, he doesn’t budge. You let a sob escape your mouth and break down.

You get out your phone and dial the number for the ambulance. You keep hold of his hand which is icy cold and you manage to keep calm long enough to speak when they answer. They say they’re on their way and you hang up, still holding onto Alex’s hand.

‘Lex, baby, stay with me, okay? Please, I need you, I love you! Please!’ you say over and over as the tears pour down your cheeks. You hold his hand close to you and lean your head on his chest searching for a heartbeat, not caring if you got blood all over you. All the colour leaves your face when you can’t hear a heartbeat and he’s not breathing. The ambulance arrives, as the paramedics look at him and you get rushed out of the room. You get a bit confused because you thought that they would take him to the hospital straight away but you follow their orders, regardless.

‘Please can I just see him? Please?!’ you plead but the nurse that was told to stay with you just shakes her head.

‘I’m sorry ma’am, I can’t do that’ she replies every time you plead.

As time goes on, more doctors come to the door, making you more confused when finally after what seems like an eternity, one of the doctors emerge from the kitchen.

‘What’s going on? Is he alive? What happened?’ you say in a rush as the doctor looks at you.

‘He was stabbed. From what we can tell, the person jumped out of the window but we’ll leave that to the detectives’ he pauses before looking at you and you know what’s coming as your mouth forms into an ‘o’ shape. Your hand covers your mouth as tears start rolling down your cheeks and he gives you a look that is full of sympathy.

‘I’m sorry’ he begins slowly. ‘But he didn’t make it. The wound was too fatal’

You begin crying again, sobbing loudly as you can’t hold yourself up anymore and crumple to the floor.

‘_____? Oh my god, wake up!’ you hear Alex say as you open your eyes and look around. The feeling of relief washes over you as you realise it was just a dream and you look at a wide-eyed Alex sitting up over you. The lamp by the side of your bed is on and you stare at him, realising how scared he is. His eyebrows furrow together in confusion as you start to remember the dream you just had and burst out crying.

Alex pulls you closer to him and soothes you by whispering in your ear. ‘Shh, it’s okay’ he says over and over as he strokes your back.

‘What happened?’ he asks as you start to calm down, only sniffling every now and again. ‘You were crying and screaming my name’ he says softly.

‘W-well… I dreamt that you were st-stabbed and I came downstairs and you wouldn’t move or say anything, you just lay there so I called the a-ambulance and you d-died. You were gone, ‘Lex’ you stutter as you move further into his chest, trying not to cry again.

He sighs and kisses your head. ‘You don’t have to worry about me _____. I’m not going anywhere’ he says as you look up at his brown eyes.

‘Promise?’ you say.

‘I promise. Besides, I’d miss you too much’ he says as he smirks at you, making you smile.

You must have looked a state but that didn’t bother him as he leaned down and kissed you passionately.

You finally pull away from each other as you gasp for breath but he looks perfectly fine. You look at him with your eyebrow raised and he laughs.

‘I’m a singer, baby’ he says as if it’s a matter of fact thing.

‘Of course’ you say as you roll your eyes and he laughs again.

‘Go to sleep now okay?’ he says, turning off the lamp as he pulls you back close to his chest.

‘Okay. Night, Alex. I love you’ you say, kissing his collarbone.

‘I love you too, gorgeous’ he says back, kissing the top of your head.

You take him in, his scent, the way he looks, everything because after that dream, you don’t know how you can bear losing him. You listen to him breathing as your eyes start to feel heavy again and you slowly drift into a dreamless sleep in the arms of the man you loved.

This is probably the only imagine i'm extremely proud of.. yeah, bye. -Courtney

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