Flight - @chaarlotteemma

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“Finally” you whisper under your breath as you enter the airport, luggage in hand.

Today’s the day you’re finally moving to America, as it’s always been a dream of yours to live there, rather than freezing cold Britain. You walk through the airport, looking down at your ticket to look for information about your flight. After you’ve found out all the information you need, you start heading off towards the terminal, completely unaware of your surroundings.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” a male voice exclaims as you fall to the ground.

“It’s ok” you say, stifling a giggle. You stand up, fixing your beanie back onto your head and look up at the man who was speaking to you.

“No it’s not… I wasn’t watching where I was going and-” he blurts out, trying to pick up your luggage.

“I’m partly to blame as well you know, I wasn’t looking either” you laugh.

He looks at you and smiles lopsidedly, making butterflies erupt in your stomach. Your gazes connect and you stare into his caramel coloured eyes, ‘I swear I know those eyes… I’ve seen them somewhere before’ you think to yourself.

“Um-hello?” he says, waving a hand in front of your face.

You quickly snap out of your thoughts, shaking your head and blush a violent shade of red. “Sorry, what was that?”

“I said; what’s your name?” he chuckled.

“_____” you grin, “what’s yours?”

“Alex” he replies.

All of a sudden it clicks in your mind, this is Alex Gaskarth. The Alex Gaskarth and you didn’t even recognise him until now. Honestly how did you not? This man was your idol and hero and you didn’t even know it was him until he told you.

“I knew I recognised you” you mutter to yourself, hoping it was inaudible so Alex didn’t hear.

You see him smirk, but he decides to ignore your comment. “Uh-I better be going for my flight” you stutter, not wanting to leave.

“Yeah, me too…” he says, a little down heartedly. “I hope I get to see you again” he says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

You nod just before exchange goodbyes and walking away heading for your flight, sighing to yourself. You board straight away and sit in your seat, staring out the window taking in a final look of your old home.

Pulling out your iPod you notice you have no battery left, “Great, a 9 fucking hour flight and I have nothing to do” you groan.

“Could always talk to me?” a familiar voice says from next to you.

Rolling your eyes you turn to see who the voice belongs to and a smile forms at the sight of Alex.

“When you said ‘see you again’ I didn’t actually expect it to happen” you laugh.

“Well I was hoping it would, and now it has” he winks. “So we have 9 hours to kill... how about you tell me about yourself?” he asks sheepishly.

“Nothing much to say really, you wouldn’t be interested” you mumble.

“But I’m already interested in you” he grins.

You blush hard as Alex looks at you with puppy dog eyes, “Please tell me?” he asks quietly.

“How am I supposed to say no to eyes like that?” you giggle.

Alex smirks in triumph as you begin to tell him everything about yourself, looking at you in complete awe the whole time.

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