Snow Day - @TigerChick_

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Feeling the snow against your hands, you let out an excited cheer and your dog barked at you, shaking the excitement from your body.

Everything might be pitch black, but you could use your hands to feel and you had Jimmy with you who guided you everywhere.

“C’mon Jake. We’ll go to the park and you can have a bit of fun, how does that sound?” You cooed to the Labrador. From the description of what people gave to you about your guide dog, you had a gorgeous chocolate lab.

As a child you had always wanted a dog, but your wish came a lot sooner than you had expected. At nineteen you’d lost your sight in a car accident which left you permanently blind. At first you’d not left the house. You were depressed and no matter what your family did, you were stuck in a rut, too scared to leave but sick of your own room.

You started to listen to music and you felt songs attach to your heart strings. Not long after you’d discovered the likes of Simple Plan, All Time Low and Of Mice & Men, you listened to bands that inspired them.

Not long after you’d started to listen to music again, your parents had saved up and gotten you Jake. When you first met Jake, he licked your face and instantly a bond formed and for the first time since the accident, you smiled.

Your own dog pulled you from your depression and by the age of twenty two, you’d moved out of your parents’ home and moved more into the centre of Baltimore.

Many people called you crazy, but you wanted to live independently.

You were now twenty four and your second Christmas in your new home.

Letting Jake guide you to the local park, you hoped that there would be someone else walking their dog in the beautiful yet cold weather. Jimmy stuck to your side as he guided you away from the ice patches until you felt your legs brush a park bench and carefully you sat down on the cool wood, letting your body heat the spot where you were sat before you scratched behind Jimmy’s ears.

“Jake, release. Go have some fun.” You hummed as you unclipped his leash and listened to the paws which hit the snow. Every now and then, Jake would bark, or bring an object back to you. At one point he brought back a stick and you started to play fetch.

That was until you heard the stick hit an object.

“Dammit.” A male voice cursed and you blushed, bringing your hand up to your mouth. You didn’t know how far away the guy was, so you decided to apologise loudly.

“Shit, I’m really sorry.” You call out and laughter reaches your ears. He’s closer than expected.

“It’s all good. Not every day someone throws a stick at you without warning.” He teased and you scratched the back of your neck.

“I, er couldn’t see you.” You admitted sheepishly. You took his silence as a thing that he was processing what you’d just said.

“How could you miss me, considering that I was stood practically within your-oh.” You felt a wry smile appear on your lips.

“I have no eyesight. This is why I apologised.” You half smiled and the guy chuckled.

“Well, apology accepted. My name’s Alex. What’s yours?”

“It’s (Y/N).”

“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” Once more, your cheeks flamed up in embarrassment as you snorted out an unladylike laugh.

“Doubtful.” You muttered and he scoffed.

“I know a pretty lady when I see one.”

“So where about did I hit you?” You felt uncomfortable discussing beauty after the accident, so you avoided the subject, letting it turn in a different direction.

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