Chapter 12

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Briar's PoV
"We have to do something to get those two back together," I said to Caspar.

We'd just witnessed their encounter where Joe had totally gone off at Dianne and then the girl just let him walk away. They were both hopeless. So, they needed the help of Caspar and I, aka Team Cupid.

"Katie and Neil already ship them," Caspar said.

"Who and who?" I raised my eyebrows at him. I think he sometimes forgot I wasn't friends with anyone from the British or Australian teams.

"Neil Jones, Joe's best mate, and Katie Priest, Dianne's right hand woman," Caspar smiled, happy to know more than me for once.

"Okay, let's make a group chat," I said. "You have their numbers?"

"I have Katie's, but not Neil's," Caspar admitted. "Katie might actually have Neil's though."

"See if she does," I said. "Make the group chat and then she can add him."

Caspar nodded, and he added Katie and I to a whatsapp group chat and renamed it 'Project Joanne'. Katie was quick to respond.

Katie: sorry what's this??
Briar: casp and i are trying to get joe and dianne together bc it's blatantly obvious they're made for each other but they're both too damn stubborn to admit they're wrong
Katie: oh my god tell me about it, me and neil had a movie night with them and it was so obvious
Briar: also they've known each other as non-rivals for literally four days, if you like someone that quickly, you know it's gonna last
Caspar: katie do you have neil's number?? could you add him to the gc?
Katie: sure thing bro

Katie added Neil to the chat

Katie: hey neil we're trying to get joe and di together
Neil: bloody love this concept
Briar: thank you, caspar and i came up with it
Neil: damn, never thought i'd see the day when i was in a group chat with briar lloyd
Briar: such a privilege i know
Neil: let me add zoe real quick, she wants them together so bad
Caspar: kk

Neil added Zoe to the chat

Zoe: ayyy i'm in the joanne defence squad
Briar: hell yes you are
Katie: i feel like we've literally created a small fandom for them
Zoe: omg imagine a joe and dianne fandom, they'd all be wild as hell
Caspar: 100%
Neil: they'd be utter crackheads honestly, if people fell in love with joe and dianne it would be quite the sight
Briar: this needs to happen omg
Zoe: i mean we're all classified technically as 'famous dancers', we've all been on tv for more than just these competitions...i bet it wouldn't be hard to get people to ship them
Caspar: let's start filming them and uploading them to youtube
Briar: lmaoooo, joint vlogging channel: a day in the life of a competition dancer
Katie: nah that's too long, but i'm honestly so up for a joint vlogging channel, person who gets the most joanne content wins
Zoe: I'd win
Neil: i literally share a room with joe
Katie: i share with dianne
Briar: joe's coming to my party tonight and i'm gonna make sure to invite dianne now too
Zoe: fuck you're gonna win
Briar: hell yes😎
Caspar: uhhh, bri, i'm hosting this party too, i've got an equal chance
Briar: damn i completely forgot about that
Zoe: ok right, group vlogging channel? yeah?
Neil: i'll set it up, everyone just film on your phones and i'll show you all how to edit on iMovie
Briar: sweet
Caspar: let's do this
Katie: this is gonna be brill
Zoe: project joanne is a go!

I laughed and put my phone away, Caspar grinning beside me. He immediately went to camera and flipped his phone into landscape.

"Hi guys, it's me, Caspar Lee, dance captain of the South African dance team. This is my first vlog for our joint vlogging channel, and I can assure you my vlogs will be the best. Quality content from me only, the others suck."

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