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    "They're still together?"

Haeun sighs running her fingers through her hair. "Yes. But I did everything you told me to. It's not my fault~"

    "You obviously didn't do enough!" Ms. Jeon shouts making Haeun flinch.

    "M-Ms. Jeon." The girl says, tears pricking her eyes. "I transferred from my j-job, I befriended him, I tricked him into sleeping with me, a-and... I'm pregnant Ms. Jeon."

    "That was from your own stupidity." She says rolling her eyes, not an ounce of sympathy in his voice.

    "What about my brother?" Haeun asks hesitantly.

    "What about him? You failed to do what I asked you to do, what makes you think I owe you any favors? You and Jaewook think you do one thing and I'll let your brother go? You have to actually accomplish something before you receive anything from me."

"Jaewook was willing to kill him for you! He almost did, why isn't that enough!" Haeun snaps, tears welling in her eyes. "Hanbin never did anything to anyone and he shouldn't be taking the fall~"

    "Just shut up!" Ms. Jeon shouts, standing and leaning forward on her desk. "As long as that boy is giving me trouble, he's giving you trouble. I told you to make Jungkook leave him, did I not? Did I not!?"

Haeun chokes out a sob. "What else can I do? What else do you want me to-to do, I-I can't do anything else."

    "Sure you can." Ms. Jeon says walking around her desk and standing over the girl intimidatingly. "Kill him yourself."

Haeun's face falls and she looks up at the woman. "E-Excuse me?"

    "You heard me." The woman smirks. "Kill Kim Taehyung, and you and your brothers can live the rest of your life peacefully."

Haeun lets out a shaking breath and shakes her head. "N-No, n-no please. Please don't~"

    "I understand if you want to wait until after the baby comes." Ms. Jeon says like she actually cares. "Wouldn't want you to end up getting hurt."

    "Pl-Please don't." Haeun continues to beg the woman.

Ms. Jeon brushes past her carelessly and leaves her alone in the office, sobbing to herself.

She couldn't, she could never, no matter who it was.

She couldn't murder a person.

But her brother, who was wrongly convicted of a crime almost two years ago now, was going through hell in on of the worst prisons on Jeju Island.

The only reason she was in this was to save him from all the hell he was going through.

But how could she murder a person?

She couldn't, she just simply couldn't.

But she had to.

Jungkook is busy working when there's a knock on his office door.

    "Come!" He calls scribbling his signature on some paper work.

The door opens and Haeun comes in, not looking so good.

    "Haeun-noona. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Jungkook asks jumping up from his seat.

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