Candy land

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Oof, it's 12:00 am but I can't sleep so I'm writing this.

After we got home from the café we headed to the dance studio to work some more on the choreography. My ankle was still a bit sore but not too bad. I'd just dance on it. It would be fine.

We got in our positions and the music started. As I went through the moves my ankle hurt. Within a minute I had gotten used to the aching. We rehearsed the dance in sections. We started at the ending and slowly made our way through the piece to the beginning. The idea was that the hardest bit was at the end. So if we rehearsed the hardest stuff first we would still have to energy and we could save the easy part for when we were more tired.

Hoseok was doing a brilliant job of course. I found that I was having less trouble with the dance as we went on. I got more accustomed to the moves and my feet began to carry me on their own. As we went on though my ankle began to hurt more viciously. It was beginning to affect my dancing but I pushed through it. This would only make me a better dancer. Dancing is tolerating I told myself.

When we had finished each section we took a water break. We had 30 minutes so I went to the bathroom. In the bathroom, I removed my shoe. My ankle felt better already. I rolled it around a little but it throbbed in protest. I pulled down my sock to get a better look at it. It wasn't bad honestly. There was no bruising and barely any swelling. It was just a little sore.

I gently massaged it a little a rolled it around again before returning my shoe to its original home on my foot. I loosened the laces just a little. I didn't want it pressing on me but I also needed the stability and support the shoe gave me.

When I returned to the studio Jimin, Taeyhung and Hoseok were all in the corner they were playing some kind of game. Namjoon and Jin were sitting in chairs on the other side of the room drinking water and talking about Mario Cart. Yoongi was curled up in a ball on the floor in the corner farthest from the board gamers. He was fast asleep.

I plopped myself down between Taeyhung and Jimin.

"What are we playing?" I inquired.

"We are playing candy land. You are playing nothing cause you are late to the party." Tae sassed me, "We waited a good two seconds for you to get here first."

"And you didn't show," Hoseok added.

"Tae please?" I begged him.

"Next round."


I watched the game instead. Tae was three spaces away from the finish line when he pulled the peppermint man or the candy cane guy or whatever it is and went all the way back. Jimin didn't get a single special card the whole game. He kept getting the color of the square in front of him. Eventually, Hobi won, but not till after hitting both stuck on the mud spots. Hobi had managed to get the lollipop lady on his third turn and after getting stuck in the mud got the color he needed on his next turn.

When Hoseok was three spaces away from the finish line it became clear that Taeyhung has something to say.

"I think we should play exact color to finish."

"What?" Jimin asked him

"Like exact number but color see you have to get red or something."

"Tae you just don't want to lose." Hoseok rolled his eyes at him and then pulled his card. He got a double red.

"Look, I win anyway." He said sticking his tongue out at Tae who was still near the peanut brittle house.

"Whatever. We let you win." Tae pouted, "right Jiminie?"

"Um, actually I was trying really hard. Good game Hobi."

Taeyhung pouted even more. Hobi jumped up from where he was sitting and began a victory dance.

"Who's the winner? I'm the winner! Who's the winner? J-hope j-hope." Tae rolled his eyes.

"Who's the winner? I'm the winner! J-hope
J-hope! Who won candy land? I won candy land!! J-hope J-hope J-"

"Shut up! I'm trying to take a nap over here." Yoongi had woken up and was now standing right behind Hoseok, who was too busy dancing and singing to notice he had gotten there.

"Oh! Sorry, yoongyy."

"Yeah, whatever just be quiet." I watched as Yoongi returned to his corner and lay back down.

"Can we play another round now?" I asked.

"I think we have time for another one if we're quick," Tae said, grabbing the cards to shuffle.

"Okay we'll start with Jungkook since he's the youngest and then we'll go clockwise. He set the cards in the middle.

"Ugh, that means I'm last" Jimin complained.

"Jimin it's a circle just think about it as you're first. Right before Jungkook.

"Yeah on the second go."

I pulled a card. Orange. I moved up to the closest orange square, then put my card on the discard stack.

"Ok, Tae you next."

Tae pulled the candy heart card and moved up to the first special square.

Hoseok pulled a green and moved one space ahead of me.

Then Jimin's turn came he pulled a blue and moved two spaces behind me. Me again. I pulled a double purple. Now I was one space ahead of Tae. Not for long though as Tae pulled the candy cane man and moved to the second special square.

It soon became clear that Tae had cheated, setting up the cards in order so that he would get them all. Everyone knew that he was cheating. But we also knew how much he wanted to win. So we said nothing.

Tae had added some plain cards in between so he looked less suspicious. But unfortunately for him, he pulled a red right after reaching the gumdrop man. Therefore he had to pick the color red again to get off the stuck square. Because he had set up the cards there was no way he could get off the square. He just continued to pull the special cards. Every now and then he would pick a yellow or a green but never got red. In the end, Hoseok won again. Tae was pissed.

"Again! I lost again!" He yelled.

"Shh, you'll wake Yoongi up again." Jimin pleaded.

"I even cheated, and I still lost!" He was standing now. He was jumping up and down, fuming. He tried to storm out of the room but was stopped by the alarm telling them that their break was over.

He turned on his heels and returned to his place. A minute later the music had started from the beginning. We ran it through from beginning to end three more times. As we went on longer the frustration in Tae's eyes faded into the bliss of dancing.

I knew that feeling. I knew it quite well. It was the feeling where your body and the music join and it's as if your body and music move together.

As we carried on my ankle became sorer. It was bearable but still uncomfortable.

Finally, the music came to the end and did not start again. Practice was over and we could go. All I wanted was to take off my shoes and sleep, but as soon as we left the studio Jimin was chasing after me.

"Kookie! Jungkook! Wait"

I turned back to look at him.

"I thought we were going to write a song."

Ok, guys, I'm trying to update but school is really stressing me out. I love you, be happy. If you liked this chapter please vote. I love you goodnight.

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