6-The Meeting

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Sunset's POV

I was sniffing Seashell's cuts and the the arrow to see what was on it and what it was.................when my nose touched it from the side making go in further. When that happened, Seashell let out a loud roar in pain.

"Oh no! I-I'm so sorry Seashell! I-I didn't mean to!" I was talking really fast and I was panicking, not knowing what to do.

Seashell lifted her head a tiny bit. "I-its o-okay, S-Sunset." She set her head back down on the sand, closing her eyes and going to sleep.


Amanita's POV

I was flying with Izzy on my back, no saddle, when I heard a roar. I stopped, hovering.

"That sounds like Sunset, but I know her roar. That's not hers. I'm checking it out.", I thought. I started flying quickly through the air twords the roar.

"Woah!", Izzy yelled, "Where are we going?! AMANITA!!!"

Izzy's POV

I leaned foward, looking at Amanita's face. She looked very......determined.

"Okay, have it your way. Just, maybe can you go a little slower?"

Amanita grunted. "Sure, but I think I found my sister."

"Oh,I kinda um...forgot you have.......telepathy."


Toothless's POV

"Toothless, did you hear that?", Hiccup says to me, looking at where the sound came from, "It kinda sounds like a NightFury, bud."

I crooned in response, then pushed Hiccup's back, eager to expore.

"Okay,okay I'm coming!" He chuckled then jumped on my back. Once I felt him on my back, I leapt into the air flying towards the sound.

---tiny time skip (I'm lazy)---

We made it to the other side of the Edge, when I saw a two dragons. One was pacing, like my rider Hiccup does sometimes. The other was laying on its side with red sand around her.

I landed roughly on the beach, excited. The one who was pacing turned around, startled. She was a beautiful sunset-colored gradient. She growled at me. Hiccup got off my back trying to walk over to the injured dragon, when a green dragon landed on the beach with a rider on her back.

The rider got off the dragon's back and said hi to Hiccup. The green dragon was running over to the sunset-colored dragon while roaring happily. They wrapped their wings around each other like they were hugging.

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