7-Family Reunion

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Amanita's POV

I ran over to Sunset, roaring happily. Sunset stayed where she was, standing in front of a teal dragon. We started hugging, wrapping our wings around each other. I put my wings back to my side. I was going to tell Sunset how much I missed her when she started yelling at me.

"Where have you been?!! Why have been gone? And WHY ON HELHEIM'S GATE DID YOU HAVE A HOO-MAN ON YOUR BACK?!!!!!"

I was going to answer her when a human yelled.

"Toothless! Let me go!!" There was a boy who was struggling to get free of a black dragon. He had his wings wrapped around the boy, with his chin on the boy's head. I did a dragon laugh.

"Hey! Don't you start laughing at me!" The boy had managed to get one arm free of the dragon's grip, and now he was pointing at me, yelling, "At least help me?"

I huffed then looked at Izzy. "Why do people have ruin a dragon's fun?" I asked Izzy. She shrugged. I turned to the dragon and shot single spine near his feet. He opened his eyes and loosened his grip enough to where the boy could get out. I walked around the dragon, looking at his tail. There was a piece missing and it was replaced by a red fabric. I batted the tail for a while then he started walking around me. He stopped at my tail and I spread my tail spines out like I was going to do a spine shot. He jumped back, startled. I was going to ask him his name when Sunset growled loudly. I looked over and the boy was trying to touch the teal dragon from earlier.


Sunset's POV

"Don't you DARE touch my sister!" Sunset told the boy then growled some more. He backed up with wide eyes and a surprised look on his face.

"That's your sister?!" The boy said. The black dragon and Amanita roared this at me too. (Amanita says "our sister" btw)

"Yes that's my sister! Now touch her, and you DIE!" I told the boy and the black dragon. I growled at them some more and moved my tail angrily.

"May I take a look at her?" the black dragon asked me.

"Sure. But the hoo-man stays." I told him. I growled at the hoo-man but let the dragon see my sister.


Dun-dun-DUUUUUN. Sorry for the cliffhanger this was a really long chapter for me. I had to wait bc if I had no ideas and family stuff.

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