Help (part 3)

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Hiccup's POV

"Oh hey Astrid! What are you doing here?" I asked her. She walked towards me and then stopped when she saw Izabelle- I mean Izzy

"Who is she and what is she doing here!?" Astrid said with a snarl. She pulled out her axe - does she sleep with that thing?- and pointed it at Izzy. Astrid walked towards her with her axe out.

The green dragon jumped in front of Izzy. She growled and shot, rocks? In front of Astrid's feet as a warning I think. Astrid stepped over the rock-spines and kept walked towards Izzy.

Amanita's POV

I growled more but the blonde girl-I think Hiccup called her Astrid-kept walking towards us. I shot three spines, one at Izzy to use as a weapon, and the other two at the girl's axe, making it fly out of the girl's hand and onto the ground. She looked at her axe then back at me.

"Nobody, NOBODY touches my axe!" She yelled as she ran towards me.

"Well it's a good thing I didn't touch it then." I told her. She stopped and looked at me in shock. 'Great now she close enough' I thought. I slipped my tail around her ankles and the girl looked at my tail.

"Wha-" I jerked my tail in the air, holding her upside down. "Hey! Put me down!" The girl said. I smirked then looked at Izzy.

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//it is currently nighttime oofers//

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