Darkness ch 5

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"Darkness Ch 5"
At The Church -Laura and Kevin Wedding-Laura was getting dress as Bobbie was helping her.."Bobbie,You're not alone I'm you're family always "I know ,I'm so happy for you "Thanks,You will Find happens too"Lulu and Elizabeth came into the room. "Laura,You look so beautiful "Thanks , I'm so glad you're all here "

Kevin room-Kevin was in his room getting ready and MAC was helping him,,"Kevin,You look so happy with Laura "I'm "Kevin and Mac left the room..

Inside the church was Felicia and Elizabeth and Bobbie and Leslie As Kevin and MAC came into the room.."Kevin,I'm happy for you and Laura"Thanks "Kevin and Mac were waiting for Laura As Lulu walk down the aslin then everyone stood up waiting for Laura As she came down.."We are here to celebrate the joy and love of Laura and Kevin "Laura,It's been a long time since I felt this way I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you"I love you Kevin you make me feel alive you are my heart "Does anyone object "Yes I do"As Lucy came into the room.."Lucy"I just wanted to wish you both the best and I want you happy "Lucy sit down.."You May kiss the bride "Kevin kiss Laura...

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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