Darkness ch 19

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"Darkness ch 19"
"Quartermaine vs Quartermaine "
At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was in the den he was feeling emotional about the trial and pick up a picture of him and Skye together he was worrying about the trial and what it would do to the family When Tracy came into the room.."Tracy "What wrong"What wrong today the woman I love like a daughter is taken my grandson to court to fight over a baby! It could come between us which you would love that Skye will be push out of the family "Actually no,Skye did something I wish I could of been here for given revenge on Sonny and Carly,Taken back the hotel,This is sad a innocent baby "Yes it is"As Monica came into the room.."Is everything okay"Yes"We sure go"

At The Courthouse-Michael and Alexis we're their. "Do you think we could win"Yes you are the father besides Lorenzo lifestyle "Yes I don't want that life for my son,I'm willing to share custody "Don't talk to Skye alone "As Tea and Lorenzo and Skye came into the courtroom.."Alexis this sure be fun I always wanted to beat you"Just try"Skye and Lorenzo sit down as Alan and Monica came into the courtroom and Lila Rae As the judge came into the room and everyone stood up,,"The Case Of a Baby boy custody fight birth father vs maternal Grandmother" .."I would like to call my first witness to the stand"Go ahead "I call my client to the stand Skye Alcazar "Skye took the stand.."Mrs Alcazar,Why Do you want to have full custody of you're grandson "Because my daughter his mother is dead,I need him in my life,I hate that my daughter is dead and I need my grandson to hold on too"Mrs Alcazar,Are you a alcoholic"Yes but I haven't had a drink in years "What do you do for a living "I run a hotel and a company "Is you're husband a mob boss "My husband work at a coffee shop and a yacht "Do you have two young children at home "Yes and I Wonderful nanny "I'm done "Alexis got up..'Mrs Alcazar,We both know that you're husband does more then run a coffee shop and a yacht,His in the mob isn't he""I plead the fifth "You know that Michael is a great father,You are a adopted Quartermaine and you're just doing this for revenge "No I'm not! My daughter is dead! You were in the plane crash with them and lived when I wish you didn't! "I'm done "Skye got off the stand..

Skye went by Lorenzo and sit down and hold his hands.."I call my client to the stand"Michael got up.."Michael,Do you want to share custody with Skye "Yes I'm willing to do that but I will not give up my son"How is it raise him alone "I been raise him at my family house with my family around it's helped "Do you travel for work"Yes but not very long ,I have a wonderful nanny who help me with Alan Jr"Alexis was done,,"Michael,Were you ever in jail"Yes"For What"My Mother was delivered my little sister with the help of my stepmom and she try to take the baby it was the only way to keep my sister"So it was self defense "Yes"If Mr And Mrs Alcazar win custody of Alan Jr will you let it go"No I will fight for my son, I understand the pain that Skye is going but his my son"Michael got up..

"You're honor I have a evidence that I would like to show the court"Alright "It's a DVD "A guard brought out a dvd and tv and Tea put the DVD in..it show Lona,,"This is my last will in testament,if anything happened to me I want my son to be taken care of by my mother,My Mother raises me to be independent and strong and I want that for my son,Besides Michael never loved me"it was over..

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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