Darkness ch 33

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"Darkness ch 33"
At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned was looking at Olivia phone book,when Alexis came into the room.."Ned,I thought you may need some help "Alexis sit down by Ned,," I could use some help "What do you need to do"I need to call Olivia family,How do I tell them over the phone? It doesn't seem right "Where do they live"In The City,Maybe I sure go to them ,tell them in person "Yes I think that's the right thing to do,Do you want me to go with you" Yes,Thanks Alexis "You're Welcome "I want to see my son first "Ned and Alexis left..

At General Hospital-Dr Lee office-Lila Rae was being look at and Skye was holding her hand.."Spencer wanted to come but his in a meeting "It's okay,We will do the sonogram "As Spencer came into the room.."I got out of the meeting early "Good ,Mother I want you to stay here too"Yes Of course "Dr Lee did the sonogram.."Is the baby okay "Yes so far ,Listen"The heartbeats "Yes"Lila Rae you are young and will have a healthy pregnancy "Thanks "The sound of you're baby heartbeat is beautiful you will remember that sound"Yes Mother "We will let you get dressed "They left the room..Lila Rae was feeling emotional about the pregnancy..

Skye and Spencer were in the hallway ."Spencer ,Do you love my daughter "Yes I do"You better not break her heart "I will not Skye, I will be a great father and husband "Good I Never seen my daughter this happy before "I never been this happy either "Lila Rae came by.."I can go"I will see you later,I love you"Skye hug her daughter and left..

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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