chapter 22

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grace's pov

i walk around downtown not caring where i was going. i just left the house and kept walking wherever my feet take me.

after 4 hours of just walking, i end up in front of a starbucks. fair enough. i'm still crying but i go in anyways.

"i'll have a tall iced caramel macchiato please," i manage to say through my sobs. she rings it up.

"how much will it be?" i ask the lady at the counter.

"it's on us dear, it looks like you need it," she smiles at me. i thank her, take my drink and sit. after about 30 minutes i hear the bells ring. i turn around to see who came in. corbyn? oh. they're all here.

"grace! you're here!" corbyn runs over to me and gives me a hug. the rest of the guys except zach hugs me. well he tried, but i rejected it.

"where else would i be?" i scoff.

"i don't know, you were worrying me on the phone," i think about what i was saying. oh i can see how he took that the wrong way.

"corbyn, i meant here as in that house. that house that brought back memories, being there made my pain worse,"

"okay, i'm glad i was wrong,"

"grace, i'm sorry you had to learn through instagram what happened," zach puts his hand on my shoulder. i shove it off.

"don't touch me zach. it's too soon," i don't dare look him in the eyes.

"please let me explain," he begs. i cant do this. i cant deal with him being here. i cant deal with his voice.

"sorry zach, but no. i guess you never loved me as much as i loved you," i walk out of there. 10 minutes later he calls me. i cant reject it, i know i could regret it later.

"what do you want zach?" i answer the phone but keep walking.

"i still love you," my brain freezes. what does that even mean anymore? did he ever love me.

"zach, you really- ah!"


zach's pov

i cant believe i cheated on her. she's the love of my life and i messed it up. i cant let her go this easy. i decide to call her. i didn't expect her to pickup, but it's grace. of course she did.

"what do you want zach?" i want to ask her where she is but i know she won't tell me.

"i still love you," i needed her to know that. i cant stand hurting her.

"zach, you really- ah!" she was talking but got cut off. i hear her scream and i hear car horns. no. no no no. where is she?

"grace? grace! grace!" i shout at the phone. nothing. i turn to the guys.

"somethings wrong. grace got cut off and i heard her scream, i don't know where she is!" i panic.

"use find my friends, that's how we found her here! we'll go find her," corbyn says. okay, i open find my friends, i see her location. we order an uber and get in. as we get closer to the location i get more nervous. i hear police sirens and ambulances. what's going on? as we get to the exact location, there's a whole scene. a wrecked car, police cars, ambulances, and paramedics.

i see the paramedics run to a spot in front of the wrecked car with a gurney. i go up to an officer sitting by her car.

"excuse me? ma'am? what happened here?" i try to sound as calm as possible.

"this pedestrian got hit by a car," no. oh my. no this can't be real. it's not grace. it can't be grace. she's smarter than to walk across the street without checking. i run up to the paramedics with the gurney, there's now a person on it.

i look at who's on it. it's grace. i cant do this. i did this. i shocked her with what i said and she couldn't pay attention. i distracted her. i cant believe this. i just can't.

i turn around to face the guys behind me. all their jaws dropped.

"corbyn," as soon as i say that he starts crying. then i do. then jonah, daniel, and jack all start crying. we look at each other and go into a group hug. we order another uber while sobbing and we have it follow the ambulance.


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