A Promise Sealed

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Author's Note: I am still a sadistic writer and now I know my friend is going to kill me for this chapter as well. Once again, I apologize for the shippy overtones :)



As the lights turned off in the ballroom of the palace, panic began to race around the room. Womens' frightened screams echoed off the walls, where mens' shouts rang in Sherlock's ears. Sherlock tried to keep track of Moriarty in the dark, but it was extremely difficult with all of the people trying to run past him. All of these people were acting completely moronic. A killer would not leave a body in the middle of a room, turn off the lights, and just let the rest of the people in there escape. Soon the lights flickered back on and Sherlock could not see Moriarty anywhere in sight. He quickly located John and the girls within the room and walked over to them. They all looked completely distraught and depressed and really, this was a rare moment where Sherlock could sympathize with them. Not even Sherlock himself had seen this coming, perhaps not even Jamie had seen it, and now the girl was dead by the age of 16. She wasn't just a normal person to any of them. She had been an ally to Sherlock, someone he had trusted and put his faith into. Somebody that he had placed into harms way.

"How could this happen?" John asked.

"We have to find him, John. We have to find him and take him down." Sherlock said.

"What's the point, Sherlock. None of us saw this coming. I know you didn't! I can see it in your eyes. He's won! He killed her and there is nothing we can do about it." Dynah yelled.

"Avenge her. It won't bring her back to life, but if we take him down, she wouldn't have died in vain. She wouldn't want us to give up now and if we did, it would be like giving up on her. We have to find him." Sherlock said.

"We have to make him pay." Tessa said, anger lacing her voice like a toxin.

"What am I supposed to say to her parents, Sherlock? What am I supposed to tell them? This isn't a game, Sherlock! It should be clear by this point! She is dead because we all failed to see the true consequences behind what we were doing. We played with fire, Sherlock. We can't win!"

"Do you want him to win, John? To get the better of all of us? Because that is exactly what he is trying to do! We need to focus on catching him, John. Jamie is dead, nothing can change that, but we can make sure that she didn't die for no reason."

"Sherlock, I know that you can't possibly understand this because you are a heartless sociopath, but someone we all care deeply about has died because of some game between us and a psychopath. It's gotten to the point where for once we need to stop thinking about the stupid case and instead focus on the consequences of it!"John yelled.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman."

A voice said over a loud speaker. Jim's voice. "It is clearly obvious that someone has been murdered here tonight. The lovely Jamie Kent. 16 years old. A rather bright girl, though extremely estranged. However none of you have seemed to notice that he body has disappeared out of this room. Not very observant of all of you. Now here is the game. Let's think of it as a murder mystery,or a game of Cluedo. No one is allowed to take of their masks, but you may tell anyone you like who you are. You must guess the killer in the room, for their is one amongst you. The longer it takes you to guess, the more people die. Oh and don't forget to have fun."

The speaker went off and once more the room was in panic, people trying to find any possible way out of the room. Sherlock began attempting to read people, but in all the panic, it was becoming difficult for him to focus on one person for too long. Even the Queen,the ruler of the country was acting like a complete imbecile, trying to find a way out of the room, even though it was clearly evident that all of the doors had been sealed shut. Sherlock felt a hand on his shoulder and went to immediately defend himself, only for the person to be revealed as Mycroft.

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