Road Rage

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Y/N's P.O.V

Me and Shawn we're driving downtown to see a hockey game and the traffic was horrendous. I knew we should have left earlier but Shawn had everything figured out according to him.

"come on and turn already, there's no one coming!" Shawn honked at the car in front of us.

"if you put your signal on now you have time to go around after this car" I suggested.

"yes thanks" he pulled around the car and sighed when they turned.

"Shawn it's okay, we still have time. The game doesn't start until 7 anyways" I said trying to ease his tension.

"I know but if everyone knew how to drive we would have time to spare" he sighed.

Speeding up to make it through a yellow light we finally made it to the parkade and Shawn parked. Walking towards the arena I could tell the drive home would be a long one.

"Did you want to get something to eat at the rink?" he asked.

"yeah sure" I grabbed his hand and we headed into the stadium.

Scanning our tickets and heading through security we looked at our tickets to find our seats. We were up on the upper sections in the 200's I didn't mind as long as I got to spend time with Shawn.

Getting food we went to sit in our seats and waited for the game to start. It didn't take long for the first period to start. It was annoying watching the Oilers play the Maple Leafs, the Oilers sucked so it was almost a guaranteed win against them.

Leaving the venue Shawn was starting to get stressed again with all the people who were trying to leave from the same exit. Once we got out of the crowd Shawn was on a mission basically dragging me to the car because he was walking so fast.

We made it back to the parkade and he started the car. Once we were all buckled and ready to go he pulled out of the stall and drove through the parking lot.

Pulling out we were back on the main road and Shawn was in the lane closest to the other traffic heading the other way. Watching as the vehicle beside us pulled up to parked cars the started pulling into our lane.

"really!" Shawn laid on the horn and started yelling at the car in front of us who basically just cut us off.

"hey, calm baby" I rubbed his arm. "what's going on?" I asked.

"it's nothing" he sighed and kept driving.

Making it home he pulled into the garage and shut off the jeep. Closing the garage he just sat in his seat and didn't move.

"Shawn?" I asked.

I watched as a tear fell down his face.

"Hey what's the matter?" I grabbed his hand with mine.

"I'm going to miss you" he sighed and wiped his eyes.

"Hey babes i'm going to miss you as well, but you'll be back in May" I smiled. "we can hangout everyday in May if you want to, i'll book off work for the month and it will just be you and me" I cupped his face in my hands.

"okay" he leaned into my hand and sighed.

Walking inside Shawn grabbed me and picked me up carrying me up the stairs. Setting my down on our bed he turned the lights off and jumped onto the bed with me.

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