Chapter 27

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Christan's POV :

At the ER

we've been waiting for a couple of hours now and no one is telling us anything, when I got out of that house I drove as fast as I can to take Ilayda to a hospital, she was literally dying in my arms and there was nothing that I can do. We are all here waiting for her to get better, my dad Maribel, Nona, and me.


The door just opened, and the doctor came out

" Doctor what is going on, please tell me, is she going to be alright? "

" Sir the patient is in a critical state, we are trying everything we can but when you brought her here she had already lost so much blood and her body was entering a shock, we are trying  to do our best, as I said the patient lost a lot of blood so if you want to help her you need to find someone to give her blood " 

" Alright I'll get it right away, just make sure she'll be alright"

Two hours later 

"What the hell is going on they've been inside for hours now? "

"Son just calm down, I'm sure Ilayda's going to be fine, she's a strong girl I'm sure she'll get through this " my father was trying to calm me down but in this state, no one can manage to help me relax except Ilayda opening her eyes.


The doctor came out of the operating room for the second time

"Doctor what is happening, nobody is telling us anything, you've been inside for hours what is going on now? "

"Well it's hard to say anything yet at this stage " fucking doctors and their fucking language, can't they just say what the fuck is going on?
"What are you trying to say now doctor, just tell us what happened did the procedure work ?"
Primarily, yes it did work we were able to stop the bleeding and reduce the internal bleeding luckily no internal organs were severely harmed and we were able to treat her legs, also her body managed to regain most of the blood she lost, but her situation isn't stable so the next twenty-four hours are crucial and it will determine what will happen to her "

My father stepped in

"What do you mean what can happen to her ? "
"She might get in a coma or she might as we hope, get better "
"So what can we do ? ". I asked
"For now there is nothing we can do except maybe pray for her and ask God to help her " the doctor left

I can't believe this, this can't be happening, I can't be losing her, ask for God to help her I don't think, I need first to take care of the people who hurt her when she wakes up and I know she will want her life to happy and peaceful again.

"Hey doctor, wait a second " I shouted

"What is it son, is everything okay? "

" it's nothing dad don't worry, just keep your on Belle."

" you saying that makes me worry even more, just don't do anything stupid "

I nod and I left him, I need to start cleaning the mess that I made and I need to protect Ilayda from whoever tries to hurt her.

Mr. Elfonso 's POV :

Oh, that boy has always had me worried, I admit I was never 'soft' with him, but it's only because I knew what was waiting for him once he grows up, I knew all the burden that I'll put on his shoulder so he couldn't grow to be 'soft', I look at him now, and his twice the man I'll ever be, I mean I'm a coward, a bad father, I couldn't even keep the word I give to my friend, I couldn't take care of his daughter and now she's in this hospital because of me, what worse can I do.

" hey papito, what are you thinking about ?" Maribelle sat next to me." don't worry papito everything is going to be great again, and this time I feel like we are really going to be better than ever  just believe it, I do "

" I hope " was the only thing I could say.

" don't worry papito, I believe in us and our family and I know that all these problems are going to end one day, maybe even sooner than you would think " 

" Maybe you're right"

" of course I am, now let's get your ass  home you look exhausted old man "

" watch your tongue, it's your father you're talking to" but she was right I did feel tired.

"Where's your mother? "

" I don't know she was next to me in a sec then gone in another sec, let's just go home she can come later." 

" Yeah, let's just go home"

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