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Courier Six was wanderering around New California when he got a message from the think tank on his pip-boy (a/n I know that fallout doesn't have that as game feature but I can't really think of anything else) "Six you need to come here." The voice said "I'm coming but i'm coming from New Cali so its gonna take awhile." the courier responded "Roger that Six." Replied the voice as Six started walking towards the Mojave Outpost to use the telesponder the think tank gave him. Six started thinking about the Big MT and how he hated to admit it but he hated that he let the brightest minds of the wasteland know about the Big MT after killing the brains,  but technology needed to grow somehow and Big MT is the only way he could think of.

As he got to the walls of the Mojave Outpost he pulled out his telesponder and hit the button when he did he was teleported straight to the think tank he made his way to the scientist that was calling him Arcade Gannon "Hey Gannon how you doing!" Greeted the Courier We are doing alright boss but we have a new device we want to check out but we don't know how it will react." Responded Gannon "So you called me okay lets get this experiment going!" said Six enthusiastic as possible

"Timeskip because i'm lazy"

Six got to the testing platform as he did he heard the followers talking about the expermint he hated to admit it but he was nervous about it  "Alright!" Said Gannon "lets get it going" he said as the machine started up. The machine started flashing red the machine closed around six "WHATS GOING ON GANNON!" Yelled Six as a green light surrounds him "I DON'T KNOW!" He yelled back As Six was engulfed in the green light.

 Six felt like shit and that was an understatement  as he was falling Six saw a lake he braced as he hit the lake  Six felt dizzy and sick from the machine as he was passing out he heard a few voices "did that boy fall from the sky into the lake?" One of them asked "ARTHUR BRING THAT BOY BACK TO THE BOAT!" A commanding voice yelled "Ok Dutch" said the man now known as Arthur as he grabed Six "Don't worry kiddo you'll be fine." the man known as Arthur assured the boy as the boi fell unconscious. 

A/N what you guys think so far let me know with a review Until next time

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