Getting Six a Horse

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No one's pov. (H/N stands for horses name)

As Arthur and six were riding Arthur's horse Boomhilda as Six focused on a horse in the distance Six had a feeling about this horse like it called to him or something he couldn't explain it. "Hey Arthur see that horse?" Six said as Arthur turned to see A White Arabian.

(horse from the picture up top except it has a long black stripe on it ignore saddle)

"Holy shit thats a White Arabian!" He said enthusiastic as a man could be. "Is that rare?" Six asked "Very rare since this one is far from the snow." Arthur explained "I'm getting a feeling about that horse it's a wanderer like me it calls to me" Six said Arthur chuckled and said "you could just say you like the horse Six." Six simply looked towards the horse and said "You and me have a lot in common you beautiful creature both wanderering without a destination." Six said while Arthur pulled out his journal and made a sketch of the horse and wrote the name of the breed under it.

He gave Six a long piece of rope and said "You're going to try and catch it Six." as Arthur started to Boomhilda to get them closer to it the horse. The horse started running away as Six lassos it the White Arabian pulled back and reared trying to have control over the 25 year old Courier, Six however just kept getting closer to the horse and trying to calm it down as he got close the horse tried to sprint off, but Six was fast and jump up on its back the White Arabian tried to knock him off but Six learned how to ride any animal thanks to him getting drunk one night and hopping on the back of a Big Horner and trying to ride it as a dare from Cass the horse didn't stand a chance.

Arthur's pov

I saw Six get up on the back of this horse with ease as the horse tried to knock him down Six just simplied rode it like a chap almost like he did it before. As the horse calmed down Six asked me if he can have a carrot I passed him one from my satchel he then fed it to the horse. I spoke up "you know your gonna have to name him and get a saddle for him." "Hmm" Six said as I saw him thinking "I got it how about H/N?" he suggested. "Thats a good name." I said as we started riding out we saw a dead man and his horse we stopped and examine the place as we did Six grabbed the saddle from the dead horse as he gave the horse and dead stranger a silent prayer "Lets head for Rhodes" Six said as we starte riding

(A/N What do you guys think I didn't wan to give six a shitty horse and I didn't want to make him buy a horse so there we go, and I know you can only find that horse on the northern side of the map untill next time everyone)

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