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No one's pov

As Six and Arthur rode into town Six asked " what are we looking for Arthur. "We are trying to see if we could meet new 'friends' around the Gray's mansion." Arthur said as he moved toward the Gray's place "okay then." Six said as he followed as they got there a guard asked "Hey what you doing here!"

"Sheriff Gray asked us to come to meet someone here." Arthur responded "Okay come on through" the guard said as Arthur and Six rode through they saw a man "let me handle this." Six said as he dismounted "scuse me partner me and buddy are Historians we would like to find out more about this family." Six lied "I don't know much about this place ask Mr. Gray he's usually around the stables." The worker said "thanks partner." Six and Arthur said at the same time as the started walking towards the stables a man called them over there. "Yes" Six said to the man "I know who you boys are now and to be honest I don't care if you kill the whole lot of us and the Braithwaite's." he said looking up from his book "we don't want to kill anyone right Six." Arthur said he's right" said Six "can I tell you a secret" the man said putting his book down "Are you secretly normal" Arthur joked getting a snicker out of Six "I love her you know." The man stated "but it's forbidden she's a Braithwaite and im a Gray." He said with a sad look in his eye

Six suddenly fell on the floor clutching his stomach and laughing "So you're telling me that we are standing in the middle of a southern version of Romeo and Juliet huh" Six said as he was recovering from his laughing fit "Here can you give this to her I can't leave here they are watching me like hawks her name is Penolope Braithwaite she'll be out in gazebo by the lake I'll pay you."he said as he handed Arthur the letter and a box "Hey Six you game?" Arthur asked "yeah sure I am a Courier after all" Six said as the man said "just don't kill anyone it be bad for you to get out." "Lets go we got a package to deliver Arthur!" Six said excitedly As they got on their way.

Six's Pov

"So why the name Courier Six?" Arthur asked me "well it all started with a job it was a shady delivery a platnium chip" I started I was to deliver it to a man named Robert House one of my stops was a town called Good Springs. While I was at the saloon a man asked me if he could talk to me outside I followed him to chat thinking he had a job for me then I was hit in the back of the head with a shovel when I woke up I heard a voice 'guess who's waking up over here' one of them said then a guy in a checkered suit stood close and said 'time to cash out' the black one just looked at him and said 'will you get it over with.' The man with the checkered suit said 'maybe Kahns kill people without looking them in the face but I ain't a think you dig' he looked at me and said 'You made your last delivery kid' as he pulled out the platnium chip out of his suit 'sorry you got twisted up in the seam' he then pulled this out." As I materialized Maria in my hand and showed Arthur "Woah thats a pretty piece." Arthur said I go on"The man in the checkered suit then said from where you're kneeling looks like an 18 karat run of bad luck he then pointed it at my head and said truth is game was rigged from the start as he shot two rounds in my head I then woke up a couple weeks later a doctor by the name of Mitchell saved me I couldn't remember anything at all he helped me recover and told me about this platnium chip and told me I was a Courier and I went off to finish my job." 

No one's pov 

As they rode up to the back of the Manor they saw plenty of guards as they went around the Manor they saw the gazebo they walked up to it they saw a lady there Six walked towards Arthur and whispered "this place is big don't you wonder how much all the stuff in there is worth?" He asked Arthur "all the time Dutch is trying to work over both these families Dutch." said Arthur as they got there they asked the lady if she was Penolope Braithwaite she said yes "We got a letter for you and a gift." Arthur said to Penolope "a gift but I don't even know you." She said as Arthur handed the  letter to her "not from us from that boy at the Gray's place." Six said "Beau oh ain't he just just." "Strange" Arthur cut in "Yes he's a little strange but kind" she said "here won't you give this to him" she said handed a letter to Arthur as they started to leave they almost got spotted "Arthur could we head back to camp for the night?" Asked Six "Well how about we make a campfire and sleep there for the night" replied Arthur as they got the camp fire going Six spoke up "You know Arthur youfeel like a brother to me whenever we talk you sound like the older brother I don't have or remember." "We are all brothers in Dutch's gang Six." Arthur said "what about that Puta?" Six said with venom "Who Micah?" Arthur said "Yes him" Six answered "I don't really know he is like a wolf in sheep's clothing." Arthur said "I don't like him I know a lot of people like him and they are all dead because of me and "I don't regret doing it" Six said as he thought about the fiends anyway "goodnight brother" Six said "goodnight to you to brother" replied Arthur as they fell into a deep sleep.

AN there's the 3 chapter hope you all enjoy 

also Vote for the Angelo Bronte mission if Six gets the info from the guy at the bar 

If he gets the info from the kids without Arthur getting robed by the kids

Or if the kids rob him and Six starts laughing at him

Because I can't decide

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