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I don't own fallout nor Red dead redemption 2 those are own by Bethesda and Rockstar

Six's Pov

As I woke up I heard a voice the same one that helped me from drowning in the lake "so you're awake huh?" Said the man I stayed silent looking around for a way out as he reassured me "Hey partner no need to panic I didn't save your life just to kill you when you woke up" the man said. "My name is Arthur whats your's partner" Arthur said I spoke up "Courier Six" "funny name don't you think." Arthur responded I spoke up again "I don't remember my real name I was shot in the head and left for dead."

"BULLSHIT!" responded Arthur loudly I moved my hair out of the way of the scars and pointed to it "does this prove it?" I asked he looked at the scar in shock and said "How the hell you alive?" He asked still staring in shock

"I got lucky I guess" I responded

"Well Mr. Six welcome to the camp he said ask Pearson if you need something to eat" he said as he pointed to the wagon with the man chopping food up thanks "also just call me" Six I responded as I went to go get something to eat I noticed that there was a lot of grass I was in shock because the only other place I seen grass was in Zion and that was mostly dead grass but this was Perfectly healthy grass I walked up to the wagon when I heard fighting I looked there was a lady arguing with a man with a big white ridiculous hat with a weird mustache. I couldn't hear but the man looked like he was laughing at her I ignored it for now. 

Pearson's pov 

I noticed the kid that Arthur Dutch and Hosea brought back coming to the wagon "Welcome to the camp!" I welcomed the boy "Arthur said I could get something to eat here" he said "ah yes that reminds me." I said as I got the stew and set it up "go on" I said as I handed the boy a bowl of the stew I saw he's eyes light up as he took a bite out of the food I chuckled "that good?" I asked he replied "Yes better than what I was eating everyday" he said "My names Six nice to meet you Pearson" The man I now know as Six said "Weird name" I said "the only one I know" he said "alright then go on now" I said as he moved back to Arthur

Arthur's pov

After I was done eating the meal Pearson made I saw the kid walk towards me. "Where's the nearest town?" he asked me "Rhodes is a couple minutes away on horse why?" I said Six just looked down at his machine on his arm and said "I have to go and as thank you how about a drink" he said as a bottle of whiskey materialized in his hand as he offered it to me I grabbed the whiskey and said "you know kid you can stay if you want" I said as inspected the bottle and put it in my satchel Six looked at me as if thinking about it he said "I'm not a very good man" he said I laughed a little at that "kid none of us are good people we are just outlaws with honor if that even exists" I said

Six's pov

I thought about it 'should I join this group of people ehh fuck it' "fuck it I'll join thanks for letting me stay boss" I said "No no no im not the boss that would be Dutch" Arthur said "okay then where can i find him?" I asked "over there I'll have Hosea set up a bedroll for you as well Six" as he pointed to the biggest tent I walked up "You Dutch?" I asked as he put down his book and looked at me "well looks who's awake. how you feel son?" He asked me "Fine sir also call me Six" I responded "Six huh odd name" he said "the only one I known ask Arthur he know about it, also I want to know if I can join your gang." I said "Sure son just earn your keep and you'll be fine." Dutch said "thanks boss" I said as I headed to Arthur to tell him I saw the man with the white hat walk near me with a sick look in his eye 

"hey greaser how about you get me a drink" he said to me "What you say you puta perra" (fucking bitch) I said with venom as I equipped love and hate "I said hey greaser get me a drink" he said getting a rise out of me

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"hey greaser how about you get me a drink" he said to me "What you say you puta perra" (fucking bitch) I said with venom as I equipped love and hate "I said hey greaser get me a drink" he said getting a rise out of me

Arthur saw this as he got between us as I was about to punch his face in with the brass knuckles "whoah whoah whoah" he said as he looked at the man he said "Micah why don't you ever just leave people alone!" he said with venom the man now known as Micah said "can't help it Mr. Morgan it's in my blood" your blood is about to be all over the floor in a moment you puta perra!"(fucking bitch) I said with a lot of venom in my voice "keep calm Six he is just trying to get a rise out of you" "Six weird name shouldn't it be seis GREASER?" Micah said I snapped as I pushed Arthur out of the way and punched Micah in the face knocking him out "NOBODY CALLS ME A GREASER YOU PUTA!" I yelled at his unconscious body "God damn kid!" Arthur said with awe "were we doing something" I said as I calmed down. "Lets head into town" he said.

A/N looks like Micah is getting on Six's bad side already whats gonna happen next find out tomorrow or Saturday

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