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Six's pov

As I woke up I saw Arthur making food on the campfire "Morning Arthur." I said "Morning Six." He greeted me "I think I'm a go to town see if I can find some work." I said "Okay I'm a go back to that Gray boy and get the money he said was for us." He said

(Time skip brought you by Micah geting Punched by Javier and Six for being racist towards Mexicans)

3rd person pov 

As Six rode into town he looked around where he heard a noise coming from the gunsmith's basement.

Six's Pov

I saw a little window where there was a young man who was screaming for help was, I walked over "You okay partner?" I said "You gotta help me mister the gunsmith's got me locked up here get me out!" He screamed "alright hold on kid I got you" I said as I walked to the entrance "Welcome can I help you?" The gunsmith said "yeah can you open the door to the basement" I said as I pulled the Ranger Sequoia from the holster and aimed it at him "Okay okay take what you want from the store!" He said as he put his hands up "I want you to open the door that leads to the basement old man" I told him as I cocked back the hammer "okay okay fine I ain't got anything down there besides my boy" he said with fear as he jingled the key in the door he got it opened and I pushed him with the gun pointed at him he went down the stairs when we got down to where the boy was he looked like he was wearing a salior suite making me laugh a little "what kinda sick man are you mister" I said recovering from my laughing fit he tried to speak but I just smacked him on the head and tied him up I went to the kid and shot the shackeles that were binding him "thank you thank you thank you mister!" The young man said "I'll take him to the sheriff's office maybe I'll get an reward you got to come with though alright kid" I told him yes mister he said before we left I saw the cash register and decided to loot it when we about to leave the building we heard women singing.

Arthur's pov

I was driving into Rhodes on the wagon with a bunch of women that want to vote with the Gray boy and Braithwaite girl when I saw Six in the gunsmith's with the gunsmith on his shoulder and a young man 'What the hell Six!?!' I thought as he started walking towards the jail house when he got there he opened the door and went in.

Six's Pov 

When I saw Arthur in the wagon with women on the outside singing about women sufferage I walked to the Jail house he gave me a 'what the fuck' look as he rode pass me as I got their I asked "Where's the sheriff at?" "Why you need him?" The obviously drunk man said "yes this man kidnapped this young man and held him in the basement of the gunsmith's and I was hoping I could get some money for turning him in" I replied he looked at me and opened the desk and tossed a clip of dollar bills I grabbed it and went on my way I whistled for H/N when I got near I hoped on going back to camp.

(Time skip ride to camp brought you by Six beating John Marston at chess)

 By the time I got to camp it was already evening about to be night. I went towards the campfire and their was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, she was wearing a yellow button up shirt and a hat much like the hat Cass wore when we met I went towards her and said "howdy how are you this fine evening?" "Im doing fine I guess, aren't you the one that was drowning in the lake?" She replied "Yeah I was knocked unconscious and tossed into the lake." I lied "I'm Six what's your name?" She looked at me "funny name but mines Sadie Adler nice to meet you Six." She said smiling at me "nice to meet you too miss Adler." I said "you wouldn't mind if I sat own and played music right?" I asked as I materialized a guitar "nope not at all." She said as she sat down across from me I started playing Running Gun by Marty Robbins and started singing

~I rode out of Kansas City, going, south to Mexico
I was, running dodging danger, left the, girl that I loved so
Far behind lay Kansas City and the, past that I had earned
Twenty, notches on my six gun marked the, lessons I had learned
Many times I sold my fast gun for a, place to lay my head
Till the, nights began to haunt me by the, men that I lay dead
Couldn't, stand it any longer with the, life that I'd begun
So I, said good-bye to Jeannie and, became a running gun
I rode into Amarillo as the sun sank in the west
My thoughts in Kansas City and the girl that I love best
As I smiled and kissed her gently and then turned around to go
Said I'd send for her to meet me when I reached old Mexico
I had barely left the saddle and my foot just touched the ground
When a cold voice from the shadows told me not to turn around
Said he new about my fast gun, new the price paid by the law
Challenged by a bounty hunter, so I turned around to draw
I knew someday I'd meet him for his hand like lightning flashed
My own gun stayed in leather as his bullet tore it's path
As my strength was slowly fading, I could see him walk away
And I knew that where I lie today, he to must lie some day
Now my strength is slowly fading and my eyes are growing dim
And my thoughts return to Jeannie
and the home that we had planned
Oh please tell her won't you mister
that she's still the
only one
But a woman's love is waisted when she loves a running gun~

When I finished everyone was looking at me "What you thought just because im a Courier I don't know how to sing?" I said "thats not it kid it's just that I've never heard a song like that can you play another for us?" Arthur said "Okay hold on" as I started tunning my guitar by this point everyone was staring at me waiting "this one is called El Paso" as I started playing El Paso by Marty Robbins

~Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl
Nighttime would find me in Rosa's cantina
Music would play and Felina would whirl

Blacker than night were the eyes of Felina
Wicked and evil while casting a spell
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden
I was in love but in vain, I could tell

One night a wild young cowboy came in
Wild as the West Texas wind
Dashing and daring, a drink he was sharing
With wicked Felina, the girl that I loved

So in anger I
Challenged his right for the love of this maiden
Down went his hand for the gun that he wore
My challenge was answered in less than a heartbeat
The handsome young stranger lay dead on the floor

Just for a moment I stood there in silence
Shocked by the foul evil deed I had done
Many thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there
I had but one chance and that was to run

Out through the back door of Rosa's I ran
Out where the horses were tied
I caught a good one, it looked like it could run
Up on its back and away I did ride

Just as fast as I
Could from the West Texas town of El Paso
Out to the badlands of New Mexico

Back in El Paso my life would be worthless
Everything's gone in life; nothing is left
It's been so long since I've seen the young maiden
My love is stronger than my fear of death

I saddled up and away I did go
Riding alone in the dark
Maybe tomorrow, a bullet may find me
Tonight nothing's worse than this pain in my heart

And at last here I
Am on the hill overlooking El Paso
I can see Rosa's cantina below
My love is strong and it pushes me onward
Down off the hill to Felina I go

Off to my right I see five mounted cowboys
Off to my left ride a dozen or more
Shouting and shooting, I can't let them catch me
I have to make it to Rosa's back door

Something is dreadfully wrong for I feel
A deep burning pain in my side
Though I am trying to stay in the saddle
I'm getting weary, unable to ride

But my love for
Felina is strong and I rise where I've fallen
Though I am weary I can't stop to rest
I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle
I feel the bullet go deep in my chest

From out of nowhere Felina has found me
Kissing my cheek as she kneels by my side
Cradled by two loving arms that I'll die for
One little kiss and Felina, goodbye~ 

"Alright thank you everyone for listening there will be more tomorrow evening,  now if you excuse me I going to rest wake me up if you want me to take watch for a bit goodnight folks." I said as I went to my tent I heard everyone talking about my singing skills, I see the tent that was built for me, not too much room but enough for me to sleep, I then felt like lying down and drifting off to sleep.

a/n tell me how I did with this chapter I think it came out ok I'll be checking it for spelling errors but see you guys next time!

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