Chapter 1 : Dust

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I dont own Naruto or The Avengers. The only thing I came up with is nearly all of the storyline. Some parts are the history of characters that came from the original movie/anime. I don't take any credit for those parts, only the parts I came up with, a.k.a. The plot.

~On Titan~

As Peter and Tony watched the Guardians and Dr. Strange turn to dust they thought of home. The people they left behind.

Then, Peter heard a thud from behind him. Panic flooded his brain and he spun around to see his mentor on the floor. Rushing over he took Tony into his arms and watched as he disappeared as quickly as the others.

Eventually it was just Peter, just him on a planet in outer space. He cried.

~In Wakanda~

People on the battlefield were slowly turning to dust. With the Avengers already gone, they lost hope. A few clouds of dust rose from the crowd. Their friends and families cried.

~In The Soul World~

People began to slowly form in the infinite field that was the soul world. Families and friends that had disappeared together clung to each other in desperation.

In their own little section of the field, the Avengers and Guardians sat in silence. They mourned and they cried. They had failed.

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