Chapter 5 : The Truth

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~In The Avengers Compound~

Tony rushed down to his lab as soon as the ship landed, the others following quietly behind. The lab was dark, the only light coming from a computer screen that had a file open.

Running over to it, Tony inspected the file and clicked on a folder. It opened to show a recording with Peter's face as the thumbnail. Clicking on it eagerly, Tony sat back and watched the screen intently with the other heroes watching silently behind him.

The video started and it showed Peter looking into the camera. He cleared his throat and after making sure it was recording, he began to talk.

"So, if you're seeing this then it means the people who disappeared are back and I'm missing. That's good! You're safe! You probably want to know what happened though, and I'll tell you but I need to start with the truth first." This caused the group to become confused.

"Mr. Stark, if you're watching this then I'm sorry you had to find out this way but at least you're finding out the secret so, yay? Anyways, I'm just gonna rip it off like a bandage." They watched as he put his hands into a weird sign before muttering something under his breath. The heroes watched in shock as the boy faded and in its place was a fifteen year old with silver hair that defied gravity. He was wearing a black face mask that covered the lower half of his face and a headband with a spiralled leaf insignia. The headband was pulled down over one of his eyes. His skin was paler and he was wearing the same clothes that Peter was.

Tony was shocked but as soon as he looked into the pale boys eyes he knew it was Peter he was looking at. He had the same look in his eye. He still felt confused though.

Peter looked into the camera again. "So, my real name is Kakashi Hatake. I'm actually older than I look because when I came to this world, I was turned back into a baby and my body started ageing naturally from there. I'm a shinobi from the hidden leaf, Konohagakure. I was the 6th Hokage! The Hokage is the village leader, by the way. My world was attacked by Thanos aswell except when he made the people turn to dust, it killed 95% of our population, leaving me as the soul survivor of my village." He paused, taking a deep breath.

"I watched my people disappear and I wasn't able to stop it. I watched my students turn to dust before my eyes, I say my friends float away and I couldn't STOP IT! I JUST STOOD THERE AND WATCHED EVERYONE DISAPPEAR AND I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. I went looking for him but he disappeared after the snap." He yelled before calming down, tears in his eyes.

The room was silent, some of the group watching the video with tears falling down their cheeks.

Peter took another breath. "I came here after making a jutsu that would bring me to where I was needed the most. I was determined to stop Thanos from ruining another world. I ended up here. My first memories of this world is of me being born to a nice couple. I was henged to look like the Peter Parker you all know. I got to experience a proper childhood. My previous one wasn't pretty." He grimaced.

"My mom died when I was really young, I don't remember her. I was a prodigy, a genius. I became a ninja at the age of five, seven years younger than the usual graduation age. My father committed suicide when I was young, can't remember how long ago it was now. He chose his comrades over a mission and was hated for it. When he died, I vowed to not make the same mistake he did and stuck to the rules. I had a genin team when I became ten, Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara and Minato Namikaze as my teammates and sensei. We didn't get along very well since I was an arrogant jerk and Obito was a dead last. Rin always acted as the mediator and Minato-sensei tried to get us to be friends. I didn't listen to him, I thought having friends would hold me back when I became a ninja." He snorted. "That was a mistake. On my first mission as a Jonin level ninja Rin was captured and Obito wanted to save her. I wanted to complete the mission so we went our separate ways. I eventually followed Obito and lost an eye because of it. I don't regret it though." He paused.

"When we rescued Rin we began to exit the cave we were in but the roof began to collapse and I couldn't see out of one of my eyes and Obito saved me from being crushed by a boulder. He was crushed instead. He gave me his Sharingan eye to replace my last one as a present for becoming a jonin." As he said this, he pulled the headband up over his eye and the group gasped at the eye it was previously covering. The eye was red with three tomoe surrounding the pupil.

"I promised Obito I would protect Rin but I accidently killed her instead." He looked down at one of his hands, tears falling from his eyes. "I was using a technique I created called Chidori and she jumped in front of my attack. She died because of me. After that, it was just me and sensei. But then sensei's wife became pregnant and she had a seal on her stomach that imprisoned a demon. The demon broke free when she gave birth and Minato-sensei died with her after he sealed the demon into his son. That son became my student. He was treated badly because of the demon he held. The villagers thought he was the demon instead of the container and took their anger out on him. When he became a genin I was his sensei. My students were Naruto Uzumaki, the demon container, Sasuke Uchiha, the last Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno, a civilian girl." He laughed. "I don't know what the Hokage was thinking when he made me a sensei. I was an emotionally constipated assassin and I was assigned the most troublesome group in the class. I don't regret it though. Well some parts I do. One student left with another sensei for training, one defected from the village and the other went to the new Hokage for training in order to deal with her team breaking up. I was probably the worst teacher in all of Konoha."

The group watching the video laughed. Tony was smiling at the kid. He missed his kid so much but being able to watch the video was helping.

Suddenly, Peter turned serious which caused the laughter to die out. "You're probably wondering what happened after the snap though, so I'll tell you. I can't avoid it any longer. When Thanos snapped his fingers you were all turned to dust. I don't know where you went but you were gone. I went looking for Thanos as soon as possible and it took a few months but I found him. We fought and my training as a shinobi kicked in. I won and took the gauntlet off his dead body. I wished for you all to come back and for the infinity stones to lose their power forever, well all but the mind stone. Try to fix Vision for me will you? He was a good guy, reminded me of a ninja called Sai." He smiled softly. "When people started reappearing I knew I had to disappear. I would have been taking by the government otherwise. They would want the powers I have. I wish I could stay but its to dangerous. Mr. Stark?"

Tony focused intently on the video. "If you ever need me just go looking. I'll be able to tell if you're looking, don't ask how I just will. Don't come looking straight after you appear though, please? I need some time to hide from the world." He looked uncomfortable all of a sudden. "I just wanted to say thanks. You mightnt think of me as a son but I think of you as a father and I just wanted to get that off my chest." Peter blushed before smiling. "There was this game I played with my friends and team back home where they would try to see what's under my mask. It made our bonds stronger. Maybe you can use that genius mind of yours to come up with something." He laughed before sobering up. "I really miss you Mr. Stark. Come find me if you need help, yeah? I love you, Dad." With that, Peter leaned forward to turn the camera off and the screen went black.

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