Chapter 7 : Reaching Out

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As he walked down a busy street, Tony began to worry. If this plan didn't work then they were doomed. They had already alerted the Guardians of the problem and they were gearing up for the upcoming war. Tony spent most of his time in his lab inventing weapons and upgrading certain things for his team but today was different.

They had been planning this for a week. The enemy had sent them a message telling them he was gathering forces before he came to attack them, telling them to be ready for him as he wished for a good fight before he killed them all slowly. The team estimated they would have a few months before the attacks began.

Coming out of his thoughts, Tony opened the door to a small shop at the side of the road and asked the woman behind the counter a question he had been asking continuously all day. When she shook her head he felt his hope dim slightly but thanked her anyway before leaving.

He walked over to a large field where the jet was parked and it took off as soon as he entered. Inside, the original Avengers were waiting for him with hopeful looks on their faces. He shook his head and they all groaned, worry clear on their faces. He began to talk before they could ask the obvious question.

"Guys, I know it seems like we're never gonna find him but I trust the kid and he said all I had to do was go looking. If he said it would work then I'm gonna trust his word and keep looking. The next stop is a small town not to far from here. I'll try as many places as I can, I'm not stopping til I find my kid," he exclaimed. Some of the group smiled at him before turning back to what they were doing, the others still looking worried but slightly better, as if Tony's speech had lifted some weight off their shoulders.

It was beginning to get dark when they landed in the small village. There were trees surrounding the houses and flowers were lining the paths. Tony hopped off the jet before making his way towards a little tea shop that looked full.

Upon entering the shop he walked up to the counter and asked the man behind the cash register the same question he had asked countless others. He received another shake of the head and left dejectedly. He walked past a beautiful park filled with laughing children and families walking their dogs or just spending time with one another. He wasn't looking where he was going and was suddenly sent flying backwards after bumping into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to knock you down," a slightly accented voice called and a pale, calloused hand entered his view. Taking it, Tony pulled himself up with the help of the stranger and upon looking up at the guy to say his thanks, he gasped.

Looking back at him was a grey eye filled with amusement, the other eye looked to be covered by silver hair that had fallen out from under a black beanie hat. A black, Japanese face mask was covering the lower half of his face and went well with the teenagers outfit that consisted of a black top, blue jeans, grey sneakers and a long, dark green jacket.

The teen continued to look at him in amusement before he snapped out of his shock. The billionaire looked at the kid with a smile on his face, his eyes tearing up slightly. The Masked teen just eye smiled back at him before he was pulled into a hug by his surrogate father.

They clutched to each other tightly before Peter, who was known more commonly as Kakashi, began to talk.

"So, I heard you've been looking for me."

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