Chapter 8 : Kakashi-sensei

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"So I heard you were looking for me?" Kakashi asked, an hint of amusement in his tone. Tony just pushed him out of the embrace causing the teen to let out a startled laugh.

"Yeah, I've been looking for you kid." He ignored the irritated shout of 'not a kid' and looking into Kakashi's eyes, a serious look on his face. "A new threat has made itself known, its a shinobi and they want to take revenge on Spider-man."

It was silent before Kakashi broke into laughter. "I already knew that you idiot and what's with the whole dramatic speech, its really stupid." He continued to laugh, ignoring the shocked billionaire standing frozen beside him.

After snapping out of his shock, Tony dragged the still laughing teen to the jet and tugged him up the ramp. Once inside, he ignored the gobsmacked Avengers and settled the, almost in tears, laughing kid into a seat before signalling for lift off.

Everyone moved mechanically and by the time they got into the air, Kakashi had stopped laughing. He was still smiling though.

The ride back to the compound was silent, the only sound being the shuffling of feet. They landed and exited the red and gold jet before heading to the living room.

They sat on the couches and just stared awkwardly at the silver haired kid before Stark cleared his throat, causing everyone to look at him.

"So, I told little Spiderling here of the new threat and he apparently already knew about it so I'm assuming he will help." At this everyone turned to Kakashi and saw the ninja nodding his head, causing everyone present to sigh in relief. They needed the kid in order to defeat the enemy, what better way to beat a ninja than with your own ninja.

"Alright, now. We need a plan in order to beat Mr. Karate Kid so let's get planning," Tony exclaimed and everyone settled down to talk strategy for the night.

~Time Skip~


"Move your left leg a little further back Mr. Stark. Seriously, I thought you were a genius yet you can't even get the academy taijutsu style down, tut tut tut!" Kakashi received an irritated grunt in response. He laughed. It had been a long time since he had taught anyone, his students had long since learned everything he could teach them before they had turned to dust and he had never gotten another team.

He was currently teaching the Avengers taijutsu, also teaching kenjutsu to those who wanted to learn to use a sword. Some of the new Avengers had joined in, the Guardians would be arriving during the battle. Most had picked it up very well but those who relied on something other than hand to hand combat found it a bit harder.

Tony was finding it especially hard. He had always used his suit to fight but he knew he needed to be able to defend himself without it if he wanted to have a chance in the upcoming fight. The enemy could apparently use certain ninjutsu that could damage and destroy his suit.

Hours later they had the basics down so Kakashi called them all over to him. He had a look of amusement in his one visable eye. They watched as he put his hand into a pocket in his jeans and the jingle of bells was heard.

Kakashi held the three bells in front of him. "Alright, since you've got the basics down it's time to test you. I'll give you one hour and whoever gets a bell gets lunch whilst the others get tied to them chairs over there. Everyone understand?" He asked, gaining nods from the group. He placed a timer on one of the chairs before standing back. "Begin."

~Time Skip~

An hour later, Natasha and Bruce were sat on the floor eating lunch whilst the others watched them with pained faces. The two had worked together and gotten a bell whilst the others worked alone. They looked up when Kakashi stood up.

"Alright, since everyone but Natasha and Bruce failed to get a bell I'll give you all a second chance after the winners eat their lunch. Bruce, Natasha, don't share you're lunch with the others. Got it?" He ordered. Once everyone gave grunts of agreement, he used the shunshin to teleport outside of the room. He asked FRIDAY to pull up the camera footage from the room they were in and sat back to watch. Now it was time for the real test.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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