Chapter 1

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This is my first ever story so if you like it please tell me so that I know if I should continue:) vote and comment ♥️

Rani's p/v:
I woke up to another beautiful day in LA. I usually like to wake up early, so that I'd enjoy some peace and get some things done before the little devil in the house ( aka Maya lol ) wakes up. I checked the time and its 8:03 am, so I hopped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I walked to the closet and changed into a sport bra and some leggings. I like to take a morning run everyday, it helps my mental health and I get some fresh air. I usually don't eat breakfast right when I wake up, idk I can't eat right away, so I took a bottle of water from the fridge and made my way outside.

Once I closed the door, I admired the view. You see LA as such a beautiful place when you live far from the busy Hollywood. There it's usually so busy and crowded, and there is no space for you to do anything. Tho here in this house, it's so big, it's has an awesome view, it's surrounded by trees, and I get to keep some privacy. You can never have those things in Hollywood.

I put my headphones in and began to run down the street, just like any other day. I usually like to admire my surroundings, from the beautiful sights, to the houses. There isn't a lot of people where I live so some of the houses are empty. After 10 mins I stop and run back to my house again. The weather is surprisingly so nice it isn't cold nor hot. I reach my house and put my sweaty clothes in the laundry basket and changed into some comfortable clothes. Then I walk to Maya's room to check on her. It's 8:45 am, she doesn't wake up until 11:00 am so I don't expect her to be up. And as I expected she is sound asleep.

It's 9:00 am right now and at this time I start cleaning. I like to clean the house every morning so that it's always clean. I like to clean a lot, it's helps me relieve stress. Since Maya is usually asleep by this time, it's make it's very easy to finish early. Maya is such a trouble maker, yes I'm clumsy but I can finish things quicker. Maya will take an hour just swiping the floor. So that's why I do everything myself. I only hate to do the dishes, so Maya does that everyday, but I do everything else.

I did my bed, took out any dirty clothes in my room and put them in the laundry basket, cleaned my room and organized it. Then I moved to the living room, I dusted the couches, and organized the pillows. I cleaned the tables and swiped the floor. I then continued doing the same for the rest of the house. At last I wanted to do laundry so I went into Maya's room to take out any dirty clothes, I found some and took them into the laundry room. I put the white clothes first in the washing machine and put the white clothes detergent. Then I did the same to the colored clothes.

It was 10:30 when I finished with everything. I took a shower and rested for a little while, then I went to Maya's room, I decide it's time to wake her up. " maya" I tried to wake her. No response. " MAYA" I said a little louder and shook her a little. Still no response. " MAYA WAKE UP! THERE IS AN EARTHQUAKE!" I shouted while harshly shaking her. " AHHHHHH" Maya shouted. "good morning" I said laughing. " I hate you" maya said half asleep. " love you too, now wake up it's 11 o'clock" " just 5 more mins" " no you always say that but 5 mins end up being 10 which end up being 15 which end up being 20" I rambled " zzzzzz" I heard maya snore " MAYA WAKE UP NOW OR I AM GOING TO SPILL WATER ON YOU" " OK OK FINE. I'm up" "works ever time" I said under my breath.

Maya went to take a shower and I started preparing breakfast. I made us pancakes and poured two glasses of apple juice (we both hate orange juice so we drink apple juice instead) and placed them on the dinning table. Once I finished, I walked to Maya's room, I opened the door " Maya breakfast is ready" " ok give me a min, I just need to brush my hair" "ok". I walked out of her room and into the dinning table. I take a seat and while waiting for her. I went through my phone checking social media. I love our fans so much. We've grew so much in those 2 years. Maya and I hit 10 million subscribers and now we are moving onto 11 million. I can't believe that. "Earth to Rani, hellloooo, is there someone there" Maya waved her hand infront of my face, interrupting my thoughts. "Haha not funny" I said while slapping her hand away. "yeah sure" she said laughing.

Once we finished breakfast, Maya went and sat on the couch as I put the dishes in the sink for Maya to do them . " Maya do them now so that you're done with them" I said "I'm tired I'll do them later" she said. " what did you do so that you are tired, Maya get up and do them, we still have other things to do" I said a little angry. "ahh you are such a mom, fine ok" she groans and then gets up to do them.

The rest of the day we went to meetings, then Maya decided she wants to go shopping. I'm not a big fan of shopping but she made me go with her. We went out for lunch and then we came back home. I prepared some grilled chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner and went to sleep. Maya stays up all night watching videos and movies. That's basically a day with me.

Grayson and rest of the squad will come up in the next chapter. I wanted you to live a day in the life of Rani. I have great idea of how she'll meet them.

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