Chapter 2

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This chapter will be kind of cheesy but so is every other fanfic 😉 , so I don't think it matters. Love you :) vote and comment

Rani's p/v:
I woke up to another beautiful day. I'm really falling in love with LA day after day. I do my usual, but today we had to film. I thought of doing " a day of the life of Rani and Maya" vlog. We have done this video but very long ago w
hen we used to live in Hollywood. Now our lifestyle have changed since we live in a different place.

I started the vlog " HEY GUYS it's me Rani, and I'm back at it again." I start the intro "For today's video I thought of doing a 'a day in the life' so basically You'll spend a day be with me and Maya. I know horrifying." I laugh " Maya is now asleep. she doesn't wake up until noon. So for now it will only be me" I say " first thing I do when I wake up, I go for a morning run, so let's go do that" I go and get ready then I take the camera and get out of the house to start my run.

"Usually I run for about 20 mins so I run for10 mins and then the next 10 mins I come back. This place is so nice I'll make sure to show you the amazing views and houses, this neighborhood is so calm and beautiful. That's why I love it. Now let's start" I start my run and film around me. I film the trees and houses as I run, I'm thinking of doing it as a cool montage, but I'll see in the editing how it will turn out. After 10 mins I stop and before I go back I check the footage. I was in the middle of the street so I start down on the sidewalk to catch a breath.

After I checked the footage, I started recording again. " ok guys it's been 10 mins I've ran about half a mile. Now it's time to go back" I stop recording, but before I start my run back I hear someone shouting at my direction. " yo, what are you doing here?" A guy came out of the house infront of me. " uhm excuse me" I said kind of confused. "Were you filming my house? Are you paparazzi?" The guy said to me sternly. " what no! I was going on a run and vlogging and it just comes to happen I stop infront of your house" I said defending myself. " wait so you are not a paparazzi. phew. I'm sorry. I didn't want to sound mean or anything but the last thing we want is for out address to be leaked" he sound so relieved. " it's ok. I wouldn't want that either " I said politely smiling.

"I'm Grayson by the way" he said as he stood his hand out. "And I'm Rani, nice to meet you" I said as I shook his hand. "nice to meet you too, I see you said you were vlogging are you like a youtuber or something ?" Grayson said as he pointed at my camera. " uhm yeah, i do YouTube, I share a channel with my best friend, Maya " i said "Really?! I'm a youtuber too. I share a channel with my twin brother, Ethan" he said "wait, I think I know you guys, you guys are the Dolan twins right?" "yep that's us and you guys are Rani and Maya right?" He said. "Yeah actually" I chuckled I didn't think he knows me but I guess he does. " I guess I'll see you around" I said " ofcourse, do you live around here?" He asked me " yeah I do actually, I live down the block" I said " cool, so I'll see you around. Mind if I get your number? We could do collabs and stuff like that" " ofcourse here" I gave him my number before running back home.

Once I reached back home I ran to Maya and woke her up. " MAYA WAKE UP, WAKE UP YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE WHO I MET TODAY" I said jumping up and own in the bed. " ok ok I'm up. Who did you meet today?" She said half asleep" I told her the whole story and let's just say she was SHOOK. The Dolan twins is one of her favorite youtubers, she would never miss a Tuesday. She would force me to watch them sometimes, but I like them too so I'm not complaining. She said she wants to go see them but I had to stop her. She's so crazy's and that's why I loved her. The day went on and we vlogged our day.

I hoped you liked this chapter! If you liked it vote please. Do you have an idea what will happen next? Share your ideas in the comments!

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