Chapter 4

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I'm sorry, I didn't update in 6 days but school has been torturing me and I just finished my SAT today ! ♥️

Rani's p/v:
I woke up with a massive headache. After I told Maya we were invited to the twins party, she broke down completely. She had no control over herself, I'm guessing the whole neighborhood heard us yesterday . It was kind of funny me running after Maya calming her down, but now I have a very strong headache.

I checked the time and it's 9:09 AM. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I changed my clothes and wore something to workout in. I grab my headphones and water and head out. I wasn't feeling inspired or motivated that much today because of the headache. I could take Advil but I haven't eaten yet so for now I'll just ignore it and push myself to workout.

I start to run and didn't pay much attention to the time. I continue to run when I realized I'm standing beside a hill that has a hiking trail. I thought why not go explore it. I hiked up the hill and once I reached the top, I saw a beautiful view over the whole neighborhood. I saw the Hollywood sign and behind the sun shining up bright. I took a moment to take it all in but was interrupted by someone tapping  my shoulder causing me to turn around.

"Hi Rani, I didn't think I'll see you here" Grayson said standing behind me, all sweaty I guess he was working out too.

"Hey, yeah I just found this hill and I thought why not explore it" I said 

"Cool, I come here every now and then" he said rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded my head.

" Its so beautiful out here" he said turning his head back to the view.

"very" I said looking at the far distances that look so tiny from here.

" Hey actually can you take a picture of me please? I wouldn't want to miss this." I said looking at Grayson.

" Yeah of course!" he said and I gave him my phone. Grayson took couple pictures of me.

"Thank you so much" I said as I took my phone back to check the photos. Grayson is actually a good photographer..

 Grayson is actually a good photographer

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(The pic Grayson took^^)

"There is a waterfall just down the other side, do you want to go check it out" Grayson suggested.

"of course are you kidding me. I love waterfalls" I said all excited.

"Alright follow me" Grayson said. We walked a little down and into the forest, then to the waterfall. Let me tell you, it was gorgeous. I really love waterfalls, my home country had a lot of them and this one made me so nostalgic. I bent down and washed my face with its water and drank some of it. I know the water isn't the cleanest but I just love it.

"Are you drinking from the waterfall? It's not filtered. I can give you my water bottle if you are thirsty " Grayson said.

" No, it's ok I have my own, but I just love the smell and taste of natural water, it reminds me of home, plus life is all about risks right?" I said not ashamed at all.

" Oh ok, then I'll drink some too" Grayson said sitting beside me.

"Are you sure? you could get sick" I said kind of concerned.

" Nah its fine, plus you can't be the only one taking risks here" he chuckled a little.

" Ok then, go ahead" I said as he cupped his hands and filled them with water. He brought his hands to his face and drank some of the water.

"How is it?" I asked waiting for a reaction from  him.

"Its good, I guess, I mean it surely tastes like water... and salt.... and fish" he said trying to figure out how  to explain it. I laughed a little and Grayson did too.

Grayson then stood up, gave me his phone and got inside the water. I just stood there confused.

"What?" I was so confused like what is he doing.

"Take a picture of me" he said laughing at me

"Oh ok" I chucked. I took couple pictures of him and then turn the phone to show them to him. He nodded. Shit did he not like the pictures. He got out and took his phone back. I just stood there.

(The pic Rani took^^)

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(The pic Rani took^^)

"Are they ok?" I said as his eyes roamed around the phones screen with no clear facial expression.

"Are you kidding me? Who taught you to take photos? You are so good. I might hire you as my photographer" he said with a high happy tone. I laughed along with him, but clearly my laughs were a little awkward, I don't know how to act around compliments. I dont usually get a lot of them.

" I was just kidding but seriously you can do something with this" he said laughing. I really appreciate that he said this.

"Thank you so much, you're not too bad yourself" I said back. We walked back and down the hill. Grayson walked me back home and as we were walking we talked about YouTube and our careers. Grayson is actually very nice and sweet. I mean I already knew that from the videos but he is more of a gentleman than he looks.

After a long walk and a long conversation, we reached the front the my house, "so that's my house right here." I said as we stopped walking

"You have beautiful house." Grayson said looking at the house.

"Thank you for showing me the waterfall and walking me home" I said

"Don't thank me, I didn't do anything." He said. I smiled.

"So I'll see you tonight." Grayson said

"Ofcourse we'll be there" I said and I walked to my front door. I waved goodbye and Grayson waved back, I then got in and  closed the door

The squad members will come later on, but for now it's just Grayson, Maya ,and Rani. I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to comment any situation or thing that you want to happen♥️♥️

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