Chapter 7

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Sorry I didn't update in a while but I was so busy and I forgot about it ♥️

Rani's p/v:
'I saw them Ethan and Maya together in Ethan's bedroom'

Maya was sitting on Ethan's bed, and Ethan was playing drums with both of them having headphones on. They seemed very in shock when they saw us. I quickly grabbed Maya's arm and dragged her out of his room. We went out side.

"Why were you in his room ALONE?" I said

"He said he played the drums so he wanted to show me, why are you over reacting? It's not like you saw us in bed together!"  maya exclaimed

"REALLY?! that was all left to do, to see you in bed with another guy who you just met and probably has a girlfriend!" I whisper yelled

"We don't know if that's true plus he literally only showed me his drums what the big deal!" Maya said

"You know what fine, but if you're going anywhere tell me, don't let me go around like a maniac trying to search for you"

" ok I won't " maya put her hands in the air and we walked inside. Grayson saw me and walked over to us.

"Hey, you found her!" Grayson said surprised

" yeah she was with Ethan his room—" I said

"—Playing drums" maya interrupted me

" oh ok, well thank god ur safe" Grayson said. At that moment Ethan came out from his room with Emma following behind, I guess she saw me day Maya from his room.

Emma's p/v:

I saw Rani come out of Ethan's room and Maya following her. Was she ok Ethan's room? I went back to Ethan's room to find him there with his headphones in his hands

"Was Maya here?" I asked

"Yeah, don't worry babe I was just showing her the drums. She said she likes them." He cupped my face. And pecked my lips.

"Ok but don't do that again you got me worried sick" I said in a soft voice and we walked out and saw Grayson standing with Maya and Rani. We walked over to them.

Rani's p/v:

We all hang out. We played karaoke which was embarrassing but so funny. In the end the party was amazing. Soon the party ended at about midnight.
Maya and I walked to my car. Grayson walked to me.

"Hey I just want say thank you for coming. We really enjoyed your company. We should hang out tomorrow. What do you think?" Grayson said

"Yeah ofc I would love to" I said smiling

" ok great I'll text you" he said

" ok I'll be waiting goodbye" I said

" bye" he said and I got in my car and drove to our house
"What did Grayson want?" Maya asked

"He asked if we could hangout tomorrow" I said looking infront of me

" oh like me and you or only you" she asked

" I actually don't know I'll ask him later" I said

"Ok" she said and with that we arrived. This was literally the shortest drive ever. We unlocked the door and walked inside. We did our night time routine and went to sleep or atleast I went to sleep.

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