Chapter 5: Sabre's Back

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Ryan's POV
Tina and I were doing our usual walk around town when we noticed a kid in a white chicken jacket approach us. If it wasn't for his bandana covering his face, I probably never would have recognized him.
"Sabre? Is that you?" I asked as he joined Tina and myself.
"Yo Ryan! Long time, no see man! And Tina! How ya been?" He said happily. Same old chicken face...
"We've been great! Tina and I finally started dating." I replied, taking her hand.
"It's about time! Hey, random question...have you seen Goldy recently?" Sabre asked, completely changing the subject.
"Goldy? She's probably with Unicorn." I replied, unaware of why he was asking. Sabre's face went from happy to shocked, and Tina hit me in the arm. "OW! What was that for?!"
"Cutie, a word please." Tina said sternly. I glanced at Sabre and he nodded. I then followed Tina as we walked in the opposite direction of Chicken Face...

Tina's POV
I led Ryan away from Sabre. I struggled to stay calm. Yes, I know I used to support Sabre when it came to Goldy, but after he left and I saw how well Unicorn and Goldy got along, I started to ship it. And now Ryan, the guy who helped Unicorn Mann, just told Chicken Face, the guy competing with Unicorn, where Goldy was.
"Tina, why did you slap my arm?" Ryan asked when I stopped walking.
"Goldy and Unicorn are probably off somewhere, having a nice time, and you just sent Chicken after them." I stated, crossing my arms.
Ryan froze. So now you get it? I asked myself. I watched Ryan groan in annoyance, and then ponder the possibilities of if Sabre approached Goldy right now.
We really have a problem now... I thought, my head filling with what would happen if Sabre ruined this ship.

I know it's late! I said one day but things became hectic. The next chapter will be out soon.

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