Finding the little Iplier

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*Authors point of view*

The group was all in different emotions. Some in shock and some happy he found an answer. But a child was suppost to be a big responsibility.

" Mark are you sure you want a child?" The Irish man said and looked at him. A child was a big deal.

" Yes I am sure.I want a child." Marks words said and he hadn't lost his smile. Helping that little boy had just changed his life as was,and he would be damned if he weren't goning to get one of his own.

" well than" Tyler spoke up and the attention went to him." what are we waiting for? Lets load up and get you to an adoption center" He said.

" No. I wanna go to an orphanage." Mark said.

" Arent they the same thing?" Wade asked.

" No. An adoption center is somewhere child go when their parents arent seen fit or something happens and no one will take care of them, an orphanage is a place for kids who were given up willingly by their gardiun." Bob clarified.

Mark nod." I want to make a kid happy and to know they finally have a home,just like I'll finally feel hole" He said with a smile.

" well we passed an orphanage on the way here, lets go there"Ethan said with a smile.

Just like that it was the beginning of a journey.

-Timeskipe to the orphanage-

The group of men walked in and was immeadtly noticed by one of the staff." hello, My name is Susan. Can I help you?"

" Yes. I am looking for a child. I....I wanna be a father" Mark said to her and she smiled. " Ofcourse sir. Do you have any idea of anything in specifics? There are plenty of kids here and all of them are special. We have children as young as being a month old all the way to 16." She said and smiled.

The group looked at Mark and realization hit that no one had thought about specifics." Is it possible just to see a few? Maybe get a chance to meet them?" Mark asked.

" Ofcourse. Follow me" The woman walked further into the building with the group in follow." It's a nice day outside so they are playing outside." She said and opened a back door leading to a fenced area filled with kids.

Some kids were covered in mud and dirt having a mud fight and some of them played with dolls or one the playset. 

The sight warmed marks heart. He definantly wanted something like this and when he got a child he would spoil them like there was no tomorrow.

" you can just watch them. We have workers who will periodically change shifts. But there are three workers are outside so you will be watched as are the kids. Go ahead and talk to a few"  She walked away leaving the group.

All of the group looked around and seen so much behavior and so much different potential, but all the kids were wonderful. picking would be the hardest." Well Mark? What are we on the search for? Boy? Girl?" Jack asked his best friend while watching some of the kids.

" Choosing will be hard. I don't know. They all seem so wonderful" Mark said while looking around. A group of kids went between the group,laughing and chasing each other. This place was filled with cheer and care. 

" This might be the hardest decision any of us have ever made" Bob said as he watched them continue to run."I agree" Mark said and looked around. Who would be perfect?

" Maybe we should talk to one of the workers and they can help us" Ethan suggested. That wasn't a bad idea." yeah Come on" Mark led the group to a worker who watched some kids in a sand box." Excuse me sir. Can you tell me about some of the kids here?" The soon to be father asked.

The worker nod with a smile." Of course. There are many kids here.We have boys and girls all in different stages of life. What age range are you looking for?" He asked.

Mark goes to answer but feels a sharp pain in the side of his head. The worker gasped and turned his head." (Y/n)! What are you doing!? I told you stop hitting people with baseballs!" 

All their heads turned to meet with the young girl. She had (h/c) hair and (s/c) skin. She walked over and picked up her baseball from Marks feet. Than looked at Mark,making direct eye contact." (Y/n) say your sorry" The worker was displeased as this was not the first time the young girl has acted out like this.

*Marks point of view*

This little girl just kept staring at me. She couldn't have been to old.6,maybe 7." No it's okay" I said with a smile. I kneeled down." Whats your name?" The girl kinda stared at me. She dropped the ball and brought her hands up,fixing my glasses that had been tilted since she hit me with the ball.

" Sir We are so sorry about her. She isn't suppost to be out here anyways.Come along (Y/n)" Susan said and put her hands on (Y/n)s shoulders,leading her inside. 

I looked down at the baseball and picked it up. The feeling was stronger. I could feel it."Wait!" I ran after them and stopped them. I had a big smile on my face." I want her. I wanna adopt her" 

" Sir are you sure?" Susan asked unsure."Not everyone usually wants to adopt the kid who just hit them in the head with a baseball."

" Yes! I want her" I smiled. Susan had a small smile on her face." Than you'll need to have some paper work done and a house examination"

I didn't care." Okay" I said. Susan smiled." Alright. (Y/n) go pack up." She said and walked away. (Y/n) looked at me and I kneeled down." Hello. My name is mark" I smiled.

She looked at me and stared into my eyes. I could see into hers. A beautiful (e/c) color. She looked at me then poked my forehead,heading inside to pack her bags.

This little girl was so intriguing, so mysterious. A perfect case for the one and only,Markiplier.

Words don't have to hurt(MarkiplierXChild!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora