Moving in

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*Marks point of view*

They had finished the house evaluation and I passed. I was so glad to be seen fit for this child. I just know she will change my life. " Guys she should be here soon" I said excitedly. We had been playing some games since the inspectors left. One of the workers was suppost to bring her here. 

" Yeah we know Mark" Jack chuckled at me. I couldn't help it. I was so excited. " So mark is she gonna be in videos? What will she call us?" Ethan asked." Well as for being in videos I haven't a clue but I guess she might call you all uncle." I smiled.

" We will have a little niece" Tyler chuckled." Who throws baseballs at people" Bob added and chuckled. Yeah. She throws like a pro." Maybe after I get her enrolled in school I'll see if she wants to join a T- ball team." I said with a smile.

We all heard a car door shut and I ran to the front door,opening it quick. Susan walked (Y/n) up to the door." You be nice (Y/n). This is your new home now" Susan told the little girl. (Y/n) looked up at me. I smiled at her. (Y/n) looked at her and nod,walking in,passing me.

I smiled at Susan and nod."Thank you" I shook her hand and watched as she walked away. She got in her car and left. I shut the door and walked over to the living room. The group was watching (Y/n),as she just sat on the couch and threw her baseball in the air a bit,catching it each time it came back down.

I walked over to her and smiled." Hey (Y/N) how about we go out and get you some things for your room?" I asked. She seemed to think before nodding and putting her ball away,getting up and looking at the group. She sure was quiet.

" We can leave if you want. I'm sure you have a lot to do with getting her room ready" Wade said." No I don't think she will mind, besides you all are basically family" I said.

(Y/n) went to Tyler and pat her shoulders than made grabby hands." You want up on my shoulders?" He asked. She nod. She was so adorable. " Go ahead" I said with a smile. She was warming up quick.

*Authors point of view*

Tyler picked up the child and placed her on his shoulders, to which the child smiled. She enjoyed her spot.

" Come on. There is a near by store and we can walk" Mark said and smiled. The group gathered up their things and head out,Tyler being most precocious  to make sure he didn't drop the child.

She looked around with smile. She liked this place so far. The people were nice and there was a nice vibe to it. There was also something else. Something special and mischievous. She was bound to figure out what it is.

" Alright guys here we are" Mark walked in first and began to look around as the group follow. (Y/n) looked around and saw the paint area,tugging on Tylers shirt and pointing at the paint area. "Hey guys (Y/n) wants to head this way" Tyler pointed towards the many colors of paint.

 "well than lets go" Jack said and took lead this time. Secretly they all wanted to spoil the little girl. She was kind hearted and open, yet quiet. she wasn't a fuss that's for sure.

The group walked towards the paint area,looking around at the many different colors. "what color do you want (Y/n)?" Tyler asked the young girl on his shoulders. She looked around before spotting the perfect collar. She pointed excitedly at the area. Mark walked over and grabbed a sample stick of the color. "This one?" He asked,smiling as the little girl smiled a bit and nod.

The shopping went on well and all of them really enjoyed it. They got toys and other necessities like dressers and a bed. Mark really wanted to make sure the room was perfect for her. The worst thing he could do was make her sad the first day they were together in the house. But after the hours of shopping the little girl was trudging behind,getting sluggish and tired. Mark found it adorable, infact all the group did. "hey sweetie you seem pretty tired. Want me to carry you?" Mark asked.

She looked at him and made grabby hands,not much for words. He chuckled and picked up the little girl,walking back towards the house. Mark took lead and as they walked the others talked about a few different things. 

*Marks point of view*

I walked home with (Y/n) in my arms. She was so light. It was quite easy but even I was getting tired after Shopping all day. They were going to be bringing the things tomorrow so I'll let her sleep in my bed tonight. We Got home and I waved goodbye as everyone got in their cars and left. We would all be hanging out again tomorrow so maybe they can help me with (Y/n)s bedroom. " I have such good friends" I said to myself and walked inside. 

I carefully went upstairs and placed her down on my big king sized bed where Chica laid. I kissed her head than pat Chicas head. " This is your new friend" I whispered to the puppers than walked away,leaving the door cracked and heading downstairs. I laid on the couch and put my arms behind my head. This wasn't so bad." I'm glad to be a father" I whispered and my eyes drooped closed. "Good night (Y/n)"I whispered and fell asleep.

* Authors point of view*

Little did the man downstairs know his new daughter wasn't yet asleep. She nuzzled up to Chica and pat her head,giggling a bit and looking towards the door as she heard the sleeping man downstairs. 'he picked me' Is all she thoughts and smiled."Good night" She whispered and now closed her eyes,actually going to sleep and happy to be in this home.

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