A Little bit of Group Time

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*Authors point of view*

It was early and the people was there with the stuff for (Y/n).

Mark and the others walked to (Y/n) who was cuddling Chica and watching (F/S)(favorite show)." Hey (Y/n)" Mark said,gaining the childs attention. " I am going to help the nice men outside get your room ready and I don't want you getting hurt in the process cause this is some heavy stuff. So I invited the guys over. You all can go play and stuff.Just listen to them" He said. (Y/n) grabbed Marks hand and pulled on it, not really wanting to be with anyone else but him. " It will only be an hour or two" He said as he kneeled down with a smile." After that we might go out for ice cream" He whispered and offered a fist bump,to which (Y/n) smiled a bit and collided her fist with his softly.

"Awesome" He said and smiled. Mark pat the girls head and walked off. This left (Y/n) with the group. Each of the grown men looked at each other,unsure exactly what to do. They entertain people from the internet, not from watching little kids,especially girls.

"Well....what should we do?" Bob asked." I don't know what do little girls like?" Wade asked.

"Make up right?" Tyler asked to which the little girl stuck her tongue out. "Well what do you like?" Ethan kneeled down. The little girl ran upstairs to her bags and come back down,holding her baseball in her hand.

" That would make sense" Jack said under his breath."Lets go to the park. We can hang out there" He smiled. The others thought it was a good idea,as did (Y/n). It took a few moments but it was quick and easy. The group got (Y/n) to a park. They went off,kinda away from the other kids with (Y/n) in lead. She took the ground to the field part,holding her ball tight in her hand.

"So are we tossing the ball around?" Jack asked. "That seems rational" Ethan said and the group began to spread out. (Y/n) watched them,being careful with her surroundings. They all got in place,about 15 feet from each other. Wade,who was to her left,smiled." Throw it this way" 

(Y/n) stepped back and twisted her arm back. She was ready to throw full power." No!" Ethan quickly walked over from her right,stopping the young child and possibly saving wade from having welts. " Just toss it" He cupped his hand around hers." Get your hands on the ball,and lightly,VERY lightly,toss the ball to Wade." Ethan said. (Y/n) looked at Ethan than at the male to her left,slowly drawing her arm back and tossing it to Wade. Wade caught it and smiled."Nice!" He tossed the ball to bob." Good job (Y/n)"Ethan walked to his spot as the ball moved around the group,making its way back to (Y/n). Tossing became easier with each time around the circle.

The group was enjoying the time as was (Y/n),that was until some kids come over. Some bigger kids dressed in baseball outfits. They stared down the group,not even acknowledging the little girl.

" Hey,you gotta get off this field. We need to practice" The seeming coach said. Jack looked at the others before back to the coach." This is a park,public property. we are just tossing the ball around. Can't you move over that way?" He pointed to a open area not far by. "This is where we practice. So leave" The coaches temper was short. " Hey guys lets not argue. We can move further out. Lets not start something" Tyler said for the sake of not wanting (Y/n) to witness something. 

" No,we need the far side for home runs and I'm not dealing with a judge because you were to stupid to move. Get out of here" The couch growled at this point. 

"Whoa,No need to get hasty,we can fix this." Now the fun began

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