She Didn't Miss

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"Whoa,No need to get hasty,we can fix this." Marks voice intervened,coming up behind his daughter and placing his hands on her shoulders. He had watched them play for a while. Now this looked like something he needed to be apart of." Lets just calm down and figure out a solution"

"And who are you?" The coach grabbed a bat and pointed it at mark,prodding his shoulder roughly with it. Mark frowned softly."My name is mark, I'm just wanting to help figure out this situation so that me,my friends,and MY daughter don't get into anything bad."

It was now that the coach noticed the little girl and the baseball that happen to be in her hand. He began to laugh."and what was she doing?! Playing baseball!" The coach laughed as did the rest of the team. (Y/n) only stared at them.

" We were just tossing the ball around,but that is none of your concern. We will simply mov-""No one asked you pimple face" The Coach snapped at Ethan. Ethan shut up quick. The coach kneeled down." Ya wanna know something girly. Baseball is a great sport. It will get you lots of nice things,like my car" He pointed at a Mercedes-Benz Maybach Exelero almost 350ft away. " I paid 8 million dollars for that" he smirked."But a little girl like you wont get anything like that because girls aren't allowed to play baseball and no one likes T-ball" The coach and team laughed. 

Mark was red faced. No one told his daughter she couldn't do something. Right as he was about to speak (Y/n) ran to the coaches side and pulled on his sleeve.

He looked at her."What do you want?" She pointed at the car he mentioned,trying to see if she was correct. He nod."Yeah. That's it. Nice isn't it?" He asked.

(Y/n) walked back towards Mark with a small smirk on her face. She got only a foot behind him before running by the team and coach,doing a cartwheel which caught everyones attention and released the ball. It was only mere seconds later there was a crash as the coaches dearly loved car now had a broken windshield. 

"MY CAR!" The coach yelled and turned to (Y/n)."YOU BRAT!" He brought the bat up but was tackled down by Mark and soon the whole team came in,trying to pull mark off and hurt him,but now the other adults intervened. It was an all out brawl between a new family and a snot nosed group. How well could this end? The answer,Not good. 

Two cops ran over and one shot into the air,making each person scatter and finding their correct groups. Mark Knelt down and picked (Y/n) up,the girl hugging onto him tightly."Whats going on here!?" One yelled. The badge said Smith and the other Jones.

All of them began to speak at the same time,all except (Y/n). " That's enough! One at a time!" Smith yelled and  the coach took his chance." Officer I was asking this group to move to the side so we can have some practice time since it's such a nice day and that brat threw a base ball into my precious Mercedes-Benz Maybach Exelero." He pointed at (Y/n) than at the now broken windshield on his car. Now this set the group of adults off even more.

*Ethans point of view*

I was slightly upset about being called "pimple face",but it upset me more that this whole thing happened. I was really happy though for what (Y/n) did. While the coach was giving his bull story (Y/n) made eye contact with me and smiled. She winked at me,as if she had done it for me. 

I smiled widely. This little girl was amazing.

"Ethan tell them!" Mark broke me from my thoughts and I immediately nod." Sir we were just trying to play toss. This team was being extremely rude, made threats,insulted me,and prod at my friend with a base ball bat,WHILE his Daughter stood in front of him." I could see from the corner of my eyes (Y/n) looked at the officers and nod quickly,agreeing with me. 

"but you did bust his window,yes?" Smith looked at (Y/n),who nod and held tighter onto mark. The two officers looked at each other before looking at the team."We suggest you leave and don't come back to this park again" 

The team left,aggravated and the cops in follow to make sure they left.

"What a day" I said."and its just begun" I added. I smiled at the group as we all gained back our giddiness." I don't know about you guys but I think it's ice cream time" Mark said and carried (Y/n) towards the car. He put her in the back seat."Hey Mark! Can I ride with you?I wanna talk to you about something" I said. 

Mark nod."of course" he looked at the rest of the gang which was loading up in the other vehicle."Meet us at Dairy Queen" Than he got in the car,and I followed suit. After getting our seat belts on and beginning to drive I looked back,spotting (Y/n) asleep." So Ethan what is it you wanted to talk about with me?"

"Well she threw her baseball into the guys car" I said."Yeah we will need to buy her some more" Mark said and got onto the main road. I recollected the memory and watched it repeatedly."Mark....she didn't miss" I said."Yeah I noticed" Mark chuckled,proud of (Y/n).

"Mark, what I am getting at is that the car was like hundreds of feet away and she hit it direct" I said again."Yeah,she's got quite an arm." Mark nod.

" I don't think you get what I'm saying. Hundreds of feet away and she hit it perfectly. What if back at the orphanage she hit you on purpose? You stood only 30 feet more or less from her." Mark now caught onto my words and looked in the rear view mirror at the sleeping girl."Well" His eyes reverted back to the road. 

" She saw a chance for a good family. She didn't miss" He repeated my words and smiled,to which I smiled back. I was okay with this answer. I'm glad to have her in my life. 'My little niece' I thought and smiled,looking in the rear view mirror as (Y/n) curled up and a smile curled up on her lips. My little niece didn't miss.

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