Pain and Lessons

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He turned around, when I didn't enter the room and the look on his face chilled me to the bone and made me panic even more. He wasn't just angry, he was furious, practically vibrating with suppressed rage. I stood rooted to the spot, afraid to move, like he was some wild animal, who would pounce on me, once I stirred even the slightest bit. With his teeth grating together audibly and his hands tightened into fist he scrutinized me from head to toe, noticing the new dress and shoes. I felt myself go even colder, when his eyes travelled back to my face and he took a few steps in my directions, clenching and unclenching hist fists.

"Did you have fun tonight, Ally-bean?", the contempt in his voice was obvious, as he stalked towards me.

"Did you enjoy it, when you let that insipid little twat kiss you, right in front of my eyes? ANSWER ME!"

He stood right before me, screaming the last part in my face. Tears were pooling in my eyes and I lifted my hands to his chest, in a move to placate him.

"Jamie, please... I'm sorry, I didn't think you would be back already....Ahhh!"

That had definitely been the wrong thing to say. Lightning fast he grabbed a fistful of my hair, tugging my head back harshly. Pressing his mouth to my ear he growled.

"Listen here, you little whore, I'm only going to say this once, so you better pay attention. You. Are. Mine! Do you understand me? I won't tolerate anyone else touching you, kissing you or even looking at you in a way I don't like, you hear me? You belong to me and it is high time, that you truly understand that!"

His warm breath blew across my neck, making me shiver. Suddenly his tongue snuck out to caress my earlobe, earning another involuntary shudder from me. My heart was beating franticly as I tried to think of a way out. I pushed against his chest to get away from him, but his grip on my hair just tightened and I let out a cry of pain. He crowded me against the wall, cocooning me with his body, leaving me with no doubt about his intentions, as the bulge in his trousers rubbed against my lower belly.

"I.. I'm sorry, Jamie... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you.. Please, please don't hurt me...", I was sobbing now, tears escaping my eyes in fat, ugly drops. Chuckling darkly he pressed against me harder, licking some of the tears off of my cheeks, clearly relishing in my anguish.

"Oh, Ally-bean, we're gonna have so much fun, you and I. I've waited far to long to claim you." With that he captured my lips in a bruising kiss, holding my head in both of his hands, making it impossible to turn away from his attack. Feebly I tried to push against his chest, trying to get him off of me, but it was no use. He was quite strong for someone of his size. He peppered kisses along my jaw, nipping harshly at my neck, his hands tightening in my hair to keep me in place. I cried out, when he bit down hard on the juncture between my neck and shoulders, drawing blood. I could feel him smiling against my skin, liking at the blood, that was now trickling down on my new dress. Lifting his head, he looked at me with smug satisfaction and blood-stained lips. Finally letting go of me, he took a step back, admiring his handiwork.

My hands went up to cover the wound, but he caught my wrist, pulling me towards my bed and pushing me on the soft mattress. When I tried to scramble away, he just gripped my ankle, hauling me back towards him. I started pleading with him, begging him not to do this, not to cross that line, but he didn't seem to hear me. Instead he climbed atop of me, straddling my hips, ripping open my dress down to my knickers and running his hands all over my pale flesh. I tried to push his hands away and cover myself, horrified about the reaction my body had to his touch. He captured my hands and started to tie them to the headboard, with a silk scarf, that hung decoratively over one of the bedposts. I started to struggle against my bindings, trying to loosen them, while he watched me, clearly enjoying the way I was at his mercy now.

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