Meetings and Revelations

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The ride didn't take too long and as soon as we stopped, Sherlock jumped out of the car and made his way towards the two-story building, that was sectioned off by yellow police tape. John payed the cabbie as we exited the vehicle and we followed the consulting detective, who now stood in front of the tape, arguing with a female officer, an irritated look on his face. As we drew nearer I could make out the hostile expression the officer was wearing. 

"Donovan, Lestrade texted me that my presence was needed, so if you could just let me trough and spare us both the unnecessary commotion." Sherlock sounded exasperated and tried to push past her, but the women, Donovan, wouldn't have any of it. 

"I don't care that he texted you, freak. He's not here at the moment, so I'm not going to let you through." She scoffed, her eyes falling on John and me.

"Who's this? Managed to rope another unsuspecting victim into your fold?" Giving me the once over, she addressed me directly. 

"Word of advice, love, you don't want to get mixed up with this one. It's only a matter of time, before he ends up as a suspect, so you better get away from him, before it's too late." Assessing her for a moment, I started laughing. 

"Oh my, you're really pissed off, that he does your job better than you, aren't you? I'm sorry, that you are so insecure in your own abilities, that you have to lash out like that." I said in mock sympathy, patting her on the arm. 

"But if you would concentrate your efforts on actually solving crimes, instead of shagging one of your colleagues in the broom-closet, maybe, just maybe Sherlock wouldn't have to waste his time with the likes of you." Giving her a brilliant smile, I ducked under the tape and made my way towards the front door, leaving a sputtering Donovan and a sniggering John behind. Sherlock caught up to me and gave me a curious look.

"You didn't have to do that, I had it under control."

"Sure you had, but I don't like people insulting my friends, remember?"

Sherlocks brow furrowed in confusion. 

"You consider me a friend? Even after I basically accused you of trying to seduce me?" He seemed honestly baffled by this revelation.

"Of course I consider you a friend, maybe not a very close one, but I think we are more than acquaintances at this point, wouldn't you agree? Friendship is all about trust and I trust you, Sherlock or else I wouldn't still be here."

He mulled my answer over for a bit and nodded. 

"I see. In that case, I consider you a friend as well. And for future references, Donovan is shagging Anderson, who by the way is married. Just thought you might need that information in the future." He gave me a conspiratorial wink and we made our way inside the house, just as John caught up to us. He pulled me aside for a moment, amusement still visible in his eyes. 

"That was bloody brilliant! Sally is always hounding Sherlock and it was about time, that someone other than me told her off. You should've seen the look on her face, when you just left her standing there. It was hilarious!" He sniggered, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. 

"I'm really glad we met you and I bet Sherlock is too, even if he wouldn't admit it. Going by the way he looks at you, I'm sure he likes you quite a lot."

He winked at me with a knowing smile and I blushed. Desperate to change the subject I turned my attention to the task at hand. 

"Speaking of him, we should probably go see, where he is." John just gave me another smile, indicating, that he would drop it, at least for now. Before we could go looking for him, Sherlock emerged from one of the rooms to the left, a broad-shoulderd, sun-tanned man with greying hair directly behind him. 

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