Welcomes and Goodbyes

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There was something very warm and heavy on top of me, crushing my body into the matress, making it hard for me to breathe and suffocating me in heat. My eyes flew open and my panicked gaze landed on a pair of sky-blue eyes, peering down at me through half-closed lids. I tried to wiggle my way out from under him and his chuckle at my futile attempts reveberated through me.

"Good morning, kitten. Sleep well?" He smirked, pressing me even harder into the mattress, rubbing his straining erection against my body. Watching my mouth with a hungry gaze as I swallowed heavily and licked my dry lips, he leaned closer to my head, inhaling deeply.

"Mmh, I forgot how amazing you smell, little kitty-cat. But I think it's time for our little stray to take a shower, wouldn't you agree?" Winking at me, he rolled himself off of me and pulled us both off the bed. I stumbled forward on shaky legs, as he pushed me towards the bathroom door, just now noticing the lack of restraints around my ankle. There was no time to dwell on my new-found freedom of movement though, because Sebastian continued to push me into the bathroom, closing the door behind us. He leaned against it, with his arms crossed, watching me expectantly. I just stood there, shivering from the cool air that seeped through my flimsy attire and wrapped my arms around my torso.

"What are you waiting for, a written invitation? Off with your clothes, I don't have all day." The smirk was gone, replaced by something much more sinister and I felt fear coiling in my belly. Wrapping my arms tighter around myself and shaking my head, I took a few steps back, until my hips hit the corner of the sink behind me. His look turned predatory and he pushed himself away from the door, making his way towards me.

"Do you want me to undress you, is that it? Oh, kitten, why didn't you just say so?" My eyes almost bulged out of my head at the implication. Taking a shuddering breath, I looked away from him and reached for the hem of my nightgown, pulling it over my head in one swift movement. Dodging him, I made my way over to the shower, covering my upper body with my arms. He let out a pleased hum, as he stepped behind me and ran his fingers over the scar-tissue that covered my back. My body went rigid at his touch and the trembling that ran through me intensified. Undeterred by my reaction, he reached over and turned on the shower, pressing his muscled body against my shaking form. His hands ran down my sides, his fingers slipping into the waistband of the panties I was wearing, pushing them down to my feet. Without as much as a mumble, I stepped under the hot spray of water, closing my eyes and trying to ignore his presence.

My eyes flew open again, when I heard the rustle of fabric, indicating that he was undressing himself as well. Supporting myself with one hand on the tiled wall, I watched with mounting trepidation, as he took off his shoes, socks, shirt and pants. Left only in a pair of black briefs, he let his eyes wander hungrily over my wet, naked body. I pressed myself into the corner farthest away from him, as he shed his briefs and entered the shower, his now bare cock jutting out in front of him, already fully hard. He stood under the spray with his back to me and I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my throat. Without turning, he started talking to me again.

"I'm not going to fuck you, Alice, so calm the hell down. We're just going to take a nice shower together, nothing more. So stop your whimpering and come here." The last part was meant as a direct order and I responded automatically by stepping closer to him. He manhandled me to stand under the water and in front of him, my back to his hard chest. He was grinding his cock against my lower back, eliciting another fearful whimper from me. Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he pulled my head back, so I was forced to look at his face. 

"What did I just tell you?" The grip on my hair tightened painfully as he stared down at me with an angry expression. Casting my eyes downward, I mumbled an apology, not wanting to aggravate him further. Letting go of my hair, he patted me on the head and reached for the shampoo that stood on a ledge inside the shower.

Brotherly LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora