Confrontations and Promises

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Coming out of my memories, I noticed I was alone with Sherlock. John must've left the room at some point. When had that happened? The consulting detective was staring at me with a strange expression on his face. "So that's what it must be like for John, when I enter my mind palace", he mused, furrowing his brows.

"I'm sorry, what?" I looked at him, still a bit unfocused after I had been in my own mind for so long.

"It's a memory technique-",

"I know what a mind palace is, Sherlock", I interrupted him, rolling my eyes. "How long was I out?"

He gave me a tight-lipped smile. "You just sat there for the last 20 minutes, starring blankly at the wall, not reacting when I called out your name a few times. I imagine it must be the same thing John usually goes through, when I enter my mind palace during a case. I just never experienced the effect from the other side, so to speak", he finished, still looking at me strangely. I was about to say something, when John returned with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Sorry I left you with him, but from experience I figured you might take a while to come back to us."

"It's quite alright, I should be the one that's sorry. After all I just went into mannequin-mode without even noticing it. Usually that doesn't happen." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Yes, yes, everyone is very sorry, we get it. Now would you mind telling us what happened next?" Sherlock rolled his eyes at us and looked at me expectantly. John opened his mouth, presumably to scold Sherlock for his harsh tone, but I just shook my head at him, indicating that I didn't mind. Closing his mouth, he shot me another apologetic look. Poor Doctor Watson, always trying to smooth things over, when Sherlock stepped out of line.

"Well, lets just say, he wasn't very happy with me. Things escalated and he staked his claim, if you now what I mean." I left it at that, figuring they would get the meaning behind my words. Of course Sherlock wasn't one to leave things be. 

"He raped you", he stated bluntly, making John cringe. 

"Sherlock, for gods sake, was that really necessary? Would it kill you to shut up, just for once in your life?" Averting my gaze I looked down on the floor, when I felt myself blushing. Even if it was rape, I couldn't help remembering how good he had made me feel. 'What the fuck is wrong with you?', I thought to myself, blushing even harder.

"You didn't feel, like it was rape, did you? He made sure you enjoyed it, strengthening his hold over you even more. It was all about power and sex is a powerful tool to wield against an inexperienced young girl, who felt like she was all alone in the world. I'm not blaming you for feeling that way, Alice. It's just a coping mechanism for the trauma you endured", he said softly. 

Shocked I looked up at him, not expecting him to be understand my turmoil. He smiled as he stood up, straightening his clothes. 

"Well, I think that's enough for one day. Come along now, Watson. It is getting rather late and as I said earlier, I'm sure our guest needs some rest." 

Addressing me he added, "We will see you in the morning, Alice. Try to get some sleep, you're going to need it." With that he pushed John out of the door, closing it behind them with a click. Falling back on the bed, I starred at the ceiling, pondering this strange man and his unpredictable behaviour. He wasn't at all what I had pictured in my mind. Sure, he was abrasive and clearly had no sense of personal boundaries, but there was also empathy and understanding, which I didn't expect. Curling into the foetal position I felt my eyes drifting shut and my limbs becoming heavy with exhaustion. Heeding Sherlocks advice I let myself sink into unconsciousness, giving my body the rest it desperately craved.

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