Revelations: Part II

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My mind was adrift, thinking about all the possible ways my brother might punish me, but my initial panic had subsided, leaving me numb instead. Sherlocks words were playing inside my head on repeat until I covered my ears with my hands and screamed into the void, just wanting it all to stop. I really couldn't tell, for how long I sat huddled in that corner, head in my hands, making myself as small as possible against the impenetrable darkness. It could've been hours, days or merely minutes that had passed, when finally, the sliver of light came back. Instead of relief, I felt nothing, not even, when the door slowly opened and more light fell into the room, banishing the suffocating darkness. 

Slowly I lifted my head, blinking against the sudden brightness. My brother stood in the doorway, the light from behind illuminating his silhouette, shrouding his face in shadows. The numbness I was feeling, was replaced by the bitter feeling of foreboding and I knew, that whatever came next wouldn't be enjoyable. Jamie still hadn't said a word, he just stood there silently, as if he was waiting for something. Taking my chances, I spoke up, my voice hoarse and shaky.

"I'm so sorry, Jamie, I..."

He held up his hand, interrupting my apology, before I could explain myself. Shutting my mouth with a snap, I lowered my head submissively, the feeling of foreboding becoming even stronger, when he motioned for me to stand up. My joints felt stiff and achy and I had to lean against the wall once I was standing, feeling dizzy. He turned around, clearly wanting me to follow him, so I did. There was no point in refusing, it would only make things worse. On shaky legs I shuffled towards the door and as soon as I set a foot outside that horrible dark room, a fist connected with my solar plexus, making me double over in pain. The next attack came so quickly, that I didn't even have time to get my bearings, before a large hand tangled into my hair and my face was smashed against the wall. Pain exploded in my head and for a moment everything went white. I felt something wet dribble down my forehead and into my eyes, colouring my vision red.

A strangled moan slipped out of my mouth, when my face was slammed against the wall once again. I fought against the pain, trying to stay conscious, feeling even more blood trickling down my face. When the hand in my hair suddenly released me, I fell to the floor and all I could do was curl into a ball, whimpering as I clutched my bleeding head in my hands. But there was no reprieve, only more pain as kicks rained down on my back and sides and my whimpers turned to screams, when I felt bones breaking under the force of heavy boots connecting with my body over and over again. 

Apologies spilled out of my mouth, barely intelligible through my sobbing, but there was no mercy from my attacker. A little part of my brain, that wasn't overwhelmed by the agony coursing through me, acknowledged that it was Sebastian, who was once again tasked with my punishment. Finally he stopped and I was roughly turned around, screaming again, as my weight shifted and pressure was put on the broken parts of my body. I was lying on my back, staring up at the fluorescent light-bulbs hanging from the ceiling, trying to breathe against the pain. My brothers face floated above me, looking down on me with disgust in his face.

"I really thought you had finally accepted your place, Alice. But apparently not even locking you up and brainwashing you has had the desired effect." It took a moment for my pain-stricken brain to register his words properly and when they did, my brows furrowed in confusion and Jamie gave me a nasty grin.

"What, did you really think all your 'revelations' about yourself came from you? No, dear Alice. There were hidden speakers in your cosy little cell, whispering to you in your sleep and even when you were awake. Marvelous how one can bend another ones mind to their will, isn't it? It seems as though it didn't last, like I hoped it would. I have to say, I'm really tired of trying to get you to submit and I'm starting to wonder, if it's really worth it. I mean, you aren't even my real sister."

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