Chapter Four

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Power & Control

 Although it seemed like the woman who came for the girls' rescue was trustworthy, Cleo had a gut feeling about her.
It was Thursday and the girls had to live their lives. When Tiffany arrived to school, she saw Cleo getting into an argument with a girl.
- Why would you do that, Madison? - Cleo asked the girl
- After you ditched us for the spoiled brat, the new girl and the geek you had no time for us and we thought the best would be if we just stopped talking. Sorry Cleo, you're out.
- I was busy I'm sorry about that but you know what, maybe it's for the better. You are all acting like trash and I have more self respect. One thing I gotta ask though, why did you spread those nasty rumors about me? - Cleo asked fighting her anger
- I don't know what you're talking about. - Madison said then she left
Tiffany watched the whole scene and she felt really bad for Tiffany. She never thought that Cleo could be so sensitive. The raven haired beauty couldn't help herself and started crying. Tiffany ran to hug her and sympathized with the girl.

It was lunch break and Cleo was nowhere to be found. Tiffany sat at a table with Yasmin and Larissa. Tiff was really curious about Cleo and her "friends" so she asked Yasmin and Larissa about the girl.
- I've known Cleo for so long. Believe it or not, we used to be besties in Junior High, then things took a different turn when we came to High School. Cleo started hanging out with people who had a bad influence on her while I let her drift away because I was so busy becoming High School Queen. Before all this magic thing we never talked with each other and if I'm being honest I think she's still mad at me. - Larissa explained
- And what rumors does Madison spread about Cleo? - Tiffany asked
- Cleo has bipolar disorder, which makes it harder for her to socialise, she has mood swings and she has episodes. Yesterday Madison told the whole school that Cleo was "crazy" and that she had an episode in the restroom.

The bell rang and the girls went to class, it was world literature and the headmaster made an announced that there was a new teacher. Andrea entered the classroom and Yasmin, Tiffany and Larissa all looked at her as if they saw a ghost. "Hi class! My name is Andrea Watson and I am your new world literature teacher. Pleasure to meet you!" Introduced the woman.
"What is she doing here?" Larissa asked

World lit was over, the students rushed out of the classroom, however Andrea asked the girls to stay for a bit "Girls! I need to share something with you!" she started.
- I know the Kvatel and I also know that they are not the best at giving instructions. - Andrea stated
- Yeah, we're still a bit unsure about our powers and how to use them. - Tiffany explained
- First of all, your powers are tied to your emotions and feelings. The way to master your powers is to be aware of your feelings and emotions. Any sudden emotion or action might drastically change the behaviour of your powers. The way to properly use your powers is to connect with the element you own. It was given to you for a reason. Now, do you know which elements you own? - Andrea asked the girls who seemingly looked a lot surprised.
- We haven't been able to use our elemental powers yet, however I remember pushing the glass with my mind a while ago. Could it have been my power? - Yasmin asked
- Yes, seemingly it was your power. After school meet me at my house, I will show you how to build the connection between you and the elements. I live in the woods of Rosehill, I will cast a magnet spell and it will lead you to my house.

Time passed and school was finally over. Larissa, Tiffany and Yasmin went to find Cleo first. After the girls shared the idea with Cleo she seemed a bit hesitant.
- So, that woman lives in the woods and knows pretty much everything about magic and the Kvatel. Don't you find it a little odd? - the girl asked.
- But if she were a demon, why would she teach us how to control our powers? - Yasmin asked Cleo, who couldn't come up with an answer so they all went to the woods to find Andrea.
After a little search, the Guardians were lead to the house and Andrea let them in. The house looked nice, it was a small cottage with a wonderful garden and a cute interior. "Need some tea?" The woman asked, the girls nodded.
"You came here to learn how to control and access your powers so let's get into it" Andrea said and then she told the girls to stand in a circle with the Odethea floating in the middle of it. The girls did as they were told. Andrea cast a spell "Spiritus Odethea, relevate te una!" After the spell was cast a huge purple light busted out of the Odethea and the four girls fell to the ground.

Tiffany found herself in an empty white room with a symbol drawn on the wall. The girls touched the symbol and it light up in a purple color. After the symbol activated Tiff's power, she had a vision. In her vision she saw her fairy form using the element of Air. When the vision ended, Tiffany woke up and found herself in Andrea's living room, the girl felt relieved and said "Air" quietly.

Yasmin, Cleo and Larissa were still under Andrea's spell. Yasmin woke up in the same white room, however she saw a different symbol. She touched it and the symbol light up in a deep blue color. Yasmin had a vision as well, she saw herself as a fairy using the element of water. The vision ended and the girl woke up, she took a deep breath and said "water".

Larissa went through the same thing, her symbol light up in green as she touched it. She had a vision where she used the element of Earth. The vision came to an end and Larissa woke up, she said "Earth". Now everyone was waiting for Cleo to finally wake up. An hour later Cleo was still in a trans. Her friends were worried and Andrea looked extremely worried which didn't help.

Cleo was wandering in the room and she couldn't find a way to escape. The symbol was in the room, Cleo touched it, it light up in red but the girl didn't get a vision. Cleo started slamming the symbol but nothing happened, the girl fell to the ground and had an anxiety attack, after that she screamed and that's when she received the vision. Cleo saw fire everywhere but she couldn't see anything else. A raspy male voice could be heard in the background as he was saying "Help me!" and the girl felt someone grabbing her arm.

Cleo woke up and stormed out of the house. The girls were rushing after Cleo to ask her what made her so upset.
- Cleo, stop! What happened? - Larissa asked
- I just need some fresh air. What the Odethea made me see was terrible! Everything was burning and someone was asking for help and they grabbed my arm, I panicked! - Cleo shared her experience with the girls and she looked at her arm, which was bruised - How did this happen?
- Well, that's odd. Visions are not supposed to leave physical marks on the body, unless it wasn't a vision. - Andrea told the girls, and she looked surprised herself - You know what, let's not jump to that conclusion!
- A message from whom?! - Cleo was freaking out - Someone bruised me, what if it was a demon?!
- Cleo! Don't panick! - Andrea shouted

The woman walked closer to the girls and said "Now, you are ready!"

Larissa asked her friends if they wanted to have a sleepover and everyone wanted to do something ordinary so they all agreed, the sleepover was held at Larissa's house.
- Cleo, I'm sorry... - Larissa started - I shouldn't have let you down when you befriended Madison and her gang. Sometimes I wonder how things would have played out if we remained friends.
- Larissa, it's not your fault. I was the one who drifted away and you did the right thing, you didn't let me down, you stayed on the right path. What happened in the past can't be changed and I'm grateful for you now. I'm not mad at you so don't beat yourself up over this. - Cleo told her friend
- Cleo, I overheard you and Madison talking. I'm sorry about you guys but you deserve so much better and know that we're here for you. - Tiffany assured Cleo
- Thanks Tiffany, and before the rumors get to you, I have bipolar disorder which makes everydays harder for me, especially when I'm having an episode, but I've learned to live with my condition. - Cleo explained
- Thank you for sharing it with us, we truly appreciate it and if anyone has a problem with you, they'll have to fight us first! - Tiffany told Cleo - Anyway now that we figured out what elements we control, we could start training tomorrow?
- Yes, sure but tonight please no supernatural talk! I wanna enjoy this night like a regular teenage girl. - Larissa stated and the girls started laughing

Meanwhile things weren't so bright with Andrea...
The woman was at home, wondering about Cleo's bruise. "What if it was Rarnan?" Andrea walked to her attic, which was full of potions and candles. In the middle of the room there was a book stand with a book on it. Andrea went through some pages of the book and stopped scrolling when she got to the page dedicated to Rarnan.

Upper level demon, who tortures its victims during their sleep. The humans Rarnan torture often die in their sleep. The demon often bruises its victims.
Rarnan was banished to Duat by the Kvatel in the 17th century.
Only fairies and the Guardians can vanquish the demon.
Fairy spell to defeat Rarnan:
Slutchea, biendo est daemonium exitium

I have to notify the girls! The woman said and then something appeared in the middle of the attic... 

So lovelies! I'm here, FINALLY! Next chapters go up the regular time, it's just I've been joggling a lot. Please vote and comment!

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