Chapter Five

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Sticky Situation

At the high school, the annual class trip was about to be held. Every student was going to the nearest small town and they would spend a night there with their teachers and classmates. Cleo, Yasmin and Larissa were all familiar with the event but Tiffany was a bit clueless about the tradition at Rosehill High. "Is everyone on the bus yet?" Mrs. Bayne, the Maths teacher asked while checking her list of students.
"Oh my God!" Larissa freaked out looking at a blonde boy entering the bus. "Mr. Thompson! It's a wonder you're even here!" said Mrs. Bayne sarcastically.
- What is it you're so worried about? - Tiffany asked
- That's Lukas Thompson! My ex boyfriend. He basically became homeschooled a few months ago so I have no idea what he's even doing here. - Larissa explained
- Maybe... he's coming back to school? - Tiffany suggested her theory
- I hope not! He's a douche and a misogynistic jerk! - Larissa said with such anger in her voice and tapped Cleo's shoulders, who was sitting in front of her. - Do you have any idea what he's doing here?
- Not a clue. This trip hasn't even started and there's already drama brewing. - Cleo thought to herself
Yasmin noticed Andrea on the bus and after looking at the woman she notified Cleo
- Better question, do any of you have a clue about what she's doing here? - Yasmin asked her friends pointing at Andrea
- This hag is surveilling us! - Cleo whispered

The class hit the road, they were going to Lakeview Camp. Larissa was a bit unnerved after seeing his boyfriend, while Cleo was filled with rage seeing Madison on the bus. "I swear I'm gonna set this bitch on fire!" Cleo said silently and a fireball started to appear in her hand, Tiffany rapidly touched Cleo's arms after seeing the growing fireball. "Cleo! You need to breathe!" Tiff suggested and the fireball disappeared. The class has arrived to Lakeview and everyone was amazed by the beautiful view. There was a forest near the campsite with a little lake and a mountain in the back. Students started unpacking as they occupied their rooms at the apartment. Cleo without hesitation confronted Andrea.
- What the hell are you doing here? Are you surveilling us somehow?!
- Oh dear! Don't be silly! I'm looking after you. You may know how to control your powers but I'm not sure whether or not you could defeat a powerful demon yet. - Andrea said sarcastically
Tiffany barged in to make the conversation between Cleo and Andrea a bit less hostile.
- Oh, Cleo didn't mean to be rude, it's just a little weird that you're everywhere we go. There's no need to keep us under constant surveilance.
- Girls, last week a little after you left a demon attacked me and it left a message. There's a war brewing, the Queen of the Underworld is after the Odethea. I'm pretty sure the Kvatel is still in the dark. - Andrea explained everything to Tiffany and Cleo
- Wait, you're telling us that the most powerful creature is after the magical necklace and the Kvatel knows nothing? - Tiffany asked confused
- The Queen is not the most powerful evil creature but let's not go there. You need to talk to the Kvatel about the situation
- Who's the most powerful creature? - Cleo asked
- His name is Dugnon and I know it because I was one of the many who banished him to Duat. Me, the Kvatel and many others used an Intergalactical Vortex spell to create a dimension in the multiverse that was powerful enough to defeat him.
- Who were those "many others"? - Cleo began to ask raising her eyebrows
- I used to be a Guardian, me and three other women. We weren't teenagers when we started our mission. The Kvatel never told us how much energy an Intergalactical Vortex consumes, they kept us in the dark and it cost the life of two fellow Guardians. It was me and Odette, who survived. Odette and I swore to take down the Kvatel but my friend became paranoid, she wanted all the power to herself, she even looked at me as a threat. The Kvatel found out about Odette's plan and they stripped her from her powers. I am the only first generation Guardian who's still alive.

Tiffany and Cleo were overwhelmed after hearing Andrea's powerful story and her fight with evil, the two girls started theorizing and after a few minutes they shared Andrea's story with Yasmin and Larissa as well.
- That is way harsh. - Larissa started - obviously we can't trust the Kvatel but we have no idea how to get out from their control and if we will have to use a spell that powerful we may all die! Either way, we're screwed!
- There has to a loophole! Look, Avengers. Thanos snaps his fingers wipes out half the population but the heroes find a loophole to bring everyone back. For now all we know is what Andrea told us, which is not much. We have to listen to the Kvatel too! - Yasmin told her friends
The girls were sitting in their room, thinking. Silence took over the room when a loud cracking voice could be heard.
Slugs started to appear everyhwere. Teenagers from other rooms ran into the woods screaming.

The four girls knew exactly what to do Custodes de mundus, unum! Tiffany shouted and the Guardians took on their fairy form

The four girls knew exactly what to do Custodes de mundus, unum! Tiffany shouted and the Guardians took on their fairy form

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After the transformation the slugs attacked the girls. The four teenagers screamed when the slugs started siphoning their powers. After the incident Cleo tried to use her power but it was useless "My powers! They're gone!" the girl shouted.

The Guardians left their room to go see the demage the slugs have done but when they stepped outside something scarier was waiting for them. A huge slug monster was standing in the middle of the camping field.

 A huge slug monster was standing in the middle of the camping field

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"What do we do now?!" Larissa asked freaking out. Andrea stepped in, trying to help the girls. "Girls! Remember, you are fairies as well! Use your fairy powers to defeat the monster! Repeat after me: Seluchio, montrumo lecratta!".
The Guardians repeated the spell and the monster vanished with all the other slugs.
- Damn! We defeated the monster! - Yasmin said joyfully
- Best vacation ever! - Larissa said sarcastically
- We need answers, now! - Cleo told the girls

 - Damn! We defeated the monster! - Yasmin said joyfully - Best vacation ever! - Larissa said sarcastically- We need answers, now! - Cleo told the girls

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(From left to right: Yasmin, Tiffany, Cleo, Larissa)

After the destruction of the creature a portal opened up and it sucked in the girls and Andrea. The Kvatel summoned the Guardians and the woman.
- Welcome ladies! We've heard Andrea's speech and we decided to summon you. You are fairies as well, which is why it's time for you to meet the Society. - Nebula told the girls and she sent them away

Andrea was still with the Kvatel. - So, Andrea, we saw everything you taught the girls. We want to ask you to be the girls' guide. - Vograk told the woman
- Just like old times! You're asking me to work for you if I'm correct. - The Kvatel nodded and Andrea smiled ironically - I accept your offer, under one condition. You don't control me and you enlighten the girls about everything. They have no idea about their abilities. - Andrea stated and the Kvatel accepted the woman's wishes.

That's it for Chapter 5! I hope you liked it! Who was your favorite character this week?

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