Chapter Six

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Meet The Society

*Tiffany's pov*

I opened my eyes and found myself on a shore, surrounded by cliffs and rocks. I went looking for my friends, they were standing in front of a cave. "This is it, that's what the Kvatel was talking about! We have to enter!" The way Yasmin said it made me feel determined, she was so sure about it, I had no doubt in me. We entered the cave, symbols were covering the walls as if they were telling a story.
The drawings began with the magic tree, the Gardenia and the story finished with us, four women joining hands around the tree. Each of us were symbolised with our elemental powers. As we kept walking on, we could hear incantations, finally we entered a room. There was an altar in the middle of it and three creatures in long white gowns were standing around it. One said, without turning their head around "Guardians, you have finally arrived!" then she rejoined the incantation.
A chalice was placed in the middle of the altar and it slowly started lighting up, when suddenly a huge magical blast spread across the whole place. "Excuse us for this, we have to use the moira spell to stay hidden." an other creature said "You are the keeper, right?" for a little I felt confused because I wasn't expecting any questions, when I processed the question, I nodded.

- Oh! We forgot to introduce ourselves! We are the Fairy Society. - one of the fairies told us - as you know, there are three species of fairies, and we each represent one. - we all looked surprised because we didn't know about that, another thing the Kvatel forgot to share with us. - the Kvatel really didn't tell you about it?! That's absurd, you need to know about your origins in order to keep harmony between your human selves, your fairy forms and your elemental powers. - the fairy kept on explaining - whatever! I am a Fae, so are you, all four of you. Faes are intelligent, empathic, generous, creative and we also have a deep connection to nature, not to mention we have wings that provide us with the ability of flying.

- Alright, enough! I am a Seelie. Many creatures believe that we are evil but that is not always the case, though we love causing chaos. We are charistmetic, charming and mischivious and we can use our eyes to mesmerize all kinds of creatures. - the Seelie finished introducing herself.

- Lastly, I am a Pixie! Pixies are witty, funny and we spread joy and positivity. We don't have wings or glowing eyes but we have pointy ears and sparkles. - the pixie explained

After the introductions, silence took over the place when suddenly a sharp object hit my head. I fell to the ground, unconcious. I knew someone had entered the cave but I couldn't get up, I was powerless. The Odethea started vibrating in the shades of purple. It lifted me up and healed me. I said the words Custodes de mundus, unum! and it activated our fairy forms.
- Looking for something? - Cleo asked the intruders sarcastically. The Society told the creatures that attacked were trolls. I had a plan on how to defeat the creatures. "Guys! I'll go first, Aerokinesis!" I shouted and my power captured the creatures in a vortex. I made a gesture with my hands and sent the trolls flying all over the place. 
The trolls were laying on the ground, it semmed like they gave up. We were about to join forces when one of the fallen trolls stood up and was ready to fight us. Larissa rapidly flew to our help and wrapped up the creature in plants.
The trolls were lucky, they escaped right before we could use our joint elemental forcebolt, that could vanquish them.

- Thank you Guardians for saving us. Before we send you home, we think you deserve to see the Gardenia. - said the Fae
She lead us to the "Source Of All Magic" as she described the plant on the way. The Gardenia was truly picturusque and spectacular, it was covered in lightbeams that represented magic. As we walked closer to the tree, the Odethea started glowing because it felt the magical connection.

The Society opened a portal that sent us back home. The following morning I was on my way to school with my mom, she started asking about Cleo, Larissa and Yasmin.
- You know sweetheart, I'm glad you fit in so easily but you spend so little time with me and I feel like you are keeping something from me, so I'm asking you, please, if there's anything you need to discuss, discuss it with me. I am your mother, I'll be here no matter what. - my mom comforted me, and I felt so bad for not telling her the truth. but she couldn't find out about magic or the prophecy.
- I know we spend less time together because fitting in consumed a lot of my time but from now on I'll do my best to be there for you and trust me, I'm not keeping anything from you. - I hated lying to my mom but I knew in this situation it was the right thing to do. - What do you say we go shopping tomorrow? Just you and me? - I suggested and my mom was so happy with my idea
I stepped out of the car and made my way to my friends. Cleo, Yasmin and Larissa were already waiting for me.
- Tiffany, we were talking about how we can benefit from letting the trolls go. - Cleo started
- We believe the trolls will attack again and when that attack happens, we'll say a tracking spell and we let them go. They will lead us right to the Queen where we'll destroy her! - Yasmin finished the plan
- If everything goes as planned, we'll prevent the prophecy. - Larissa told me
- That means we have to get down to business! - I said

That is the end of Chapter 6! I hope you all liked it😇

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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