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when bindi arrived to the function, she expected to see more. more cars, more trash across the yard, more bass from the music coming from inside the house. but, it was relatively calm for a party held by a boyband.

 but, it was relatively calm for a party held by a boyband

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(bindis lewk for the night)

bindi went into non-assassin mode and knocked on the front door. it took a second, but a small dominican with black curls opened the door. the music flowed from the speakers, playing a song she didn't recognize. he greeted her with a smile and a "wassup bindi." she smelt the alcohol and knew edwin was a bit tipsy.

"hey edwin. how are you?" bindi asks.

"uh," edwin hiccups, "drunk." then he moves from the doorway to let her in.

bindi chuckles and enters the house. "i guessed that."

the front door leads straight to the living room, where there is a circle of people dancing, phones and flash in the mix as well. bindi beelines for the kitchen, which she sees is a left. she heads there to look for someone sober, and she sees a lightly tinted girl with curls bouncing and another, a darkskin beauty with long braids. they having water bottles in their hands and are talking to each other. bindi has learned one of them was haley and one of them one diamond through her extensive research, and they were the two girl closest to the five boys. bindi walks to them and starts a conversation.

"hey, are you guys sober at all?" bindi laughs as she asks the question.

the two look to her and think for a second. "yes we are. are you bindi?" haley asks.

"yes i am."

"the boys told us you were coming. i'm haley and this is diamond," she points to diamond.

"i hope they didn't say anything bad about me."

"no, no. zion told us that," diamond uses finger quotes for her next words, "'you were hot, played fortnite, and wanted to ask if you were taking boyfriend applications.'" she laughs as she tells bindi one of the many ridiculously funny things zion says daily.

the girls talk and laugh for a while longer until brandon comes by to 'steal bindi.' bindi gets haley and diamond's numbers and leaves with brandon. he brings her to the living room to introduce her to parker, the camera man, duane, and a few of the boys other friends.

the initial time bindi saw the boys social media's, she was instantly suspicious of 'the 360 family.' every picture on their instagram was with the boys, they were always using the boys names on things as a way to get more views or likes, and frankly, it's been working for a while now. bindi feels the clout chaser and bad vibes from them, so she wants to help the boys get rid of them.

bindi can read people like an open book, and it's no different with sammi sanchez. she has a dislike towards bindi, and bindi senses it. why she dislikes her, bindi can't tell. she believe sammi has some unresolved feelings for edwin. in the past, sammi and zion were a thing, which bindi found after digging through fan accounts. they were never public, but it was obvious. why sammi stays friends with them is seemingly for the fame, and her unresolved feelings for edwin. she constantly has a sparkle in her eyes when edwin speaks, she's hyping only him up when he dances, and any chance she gets she speaks to him.

not too much else happens until somewhere around midnight, edwin and bindi are having a conversation on the living room couch about his snake, and how bindi wanted to get one. edwin, being fully invested in animals care and conservation, gives her a lecture on things to buy, where to buy them, and how much they'll cost. he even offers to go with bindi to buy the stuff, to make sure she gets the right things. from the corner of her eye, bindi sees sammi coming from the kitchen, locking eyes with bindi and throwing daggers her way. if looks could kill, they'd be in a sword fight. sammi struts to edwin and tells him austin needs him in the kitchen.

"i'll go with you. i want to get a water bottle anyway." bindi offers as edwin stands from the couch.

sammie's eyes widen and she grips bindi arm, her neon yellow nails digging into bindi's skin. "bindi, can we talk?" her voice laced with warning, but she doesn't realize it doesn't scare bindi.

bindi blinks in her face like she's slow. "after i get a water." bindi repeats. bindi rips her arm from sammi's hand and marches to the kitchen. sammi follows her to the fridge, then back to the couch. they sit, bindi in her original spot. bindi waits for sammi to speak.

"i need you to leave edwin alone, and this is your only warning." sammi demands.

bindi laughs like that's the funniest thing she's heard all night. "you're kidding? i don't have to do anything you tell me to." bindi stands from the couch with her water bottle, walking back to the kitchen. sammi quickly raises from the couch and grabs bindi's arm again.

"do you think i'm joking? stay away from him."

"samantha, let go of me." bindi warns.

"it's sammi to you, and i'll—"

after sammi didn't let go, bindi sighed, then grabbed sammi's arm and pulled it behind her back, then pushed her back against the living room wall, a loud boom echoing through the house, and bindi's forearm against sammi's neck.

"didn't i tell you to let me go?" bindi raises her voice at sammi, loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

bindi pushes her forearm against sammi's throat, making it difficult for her to speak. she chokes out a weak 'yes', her free arm grabbing bindi's arm that choking her out.

"thought so," bindi get in sammi's face, close enough to see her face going pale through the darkness, "mind your fucking business next time, puta."

"bindi! what the hell are you doing?!?"

none other than zion's voice bounced through the house, all attention turns to bindi in the compromising position she's in, but it doesn't matter to her. bindi was disrespected, and she doesn't take lightly to that.

bindi lets sammi go, and she overdramatizes her coughs to catch some air.

"what's your problem?!" zion asks as he checks on sammi.

"she's fine!" bindi yells. "i didnt even choke her that hard."

"you still choked her, bindi!" zion gets in bindi's face, yelling and towering over her 5'2 figure.

"stop yelling at me and check on your girlfriend." bindi smirks as it comes out of her mouth.

zion opens his then closes it. he does as bindi says, bending down to check on sammi. bindi knows she's okay, cause she knows she didn't put that much pressure on her neck to snap a twig, much less snap her neck.

as sammi overdramtically gets help from zion to get off the floor, bindi retreats back to the kitchen with a roll of her eyes.

when she gets there, she gets every pair of eyes starting back at her with shocked faces and 'thank yous.'

edwin sees the confusion written on her face and tells her, "we all dislike sammi. and we've been telling z she's no good for him."

well damn, bindi thinks, i guess i'll have to get rid of her too.

authors note.
so, will the 360 family and sammi die too ?
what about the sammi and bindi drama ? who's in the wrong ? will zion finally get his head out of sammi's ass ? stay tuned !
(i'm in a very hostile mood so i took it out of sammi through bindi who gon check me)
mwah !

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