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Another one fallen,
One more goodbye,
My dear uncle angel,

Flies high up in the sky.
Not a day will pass by,
Where i don't cry.

My growing inspiration,
With no explanation,
Is taken away- with a heart full of frustration.

The world may not know it,
But my tears will show it,
My dear uncle- how i will miss you.


7 years,
marks the celebration
of you,

your beautiful smile,
your loving hands,
your caring arms,
your music of laughter,
your loving heart,

this is you,
we miss you.


i never met you,
you never met me,
it's hard to believe that we
come from the same family tree,

your heart kept beating,
but way to much,
a sharp pain,
a quick breath,
a questionable look,

lying in the hospital bed,
nurses either side,
this was the end of a love,
a love that never dies,

you will never be forgotten,
you will never be unloved,
just to hold your hand for the first time,
would mean more than anything else ever could,

i try from day to day,
my thoughts often go astray,
but i know you're here with me,
i know that you love me,

and i love you too


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