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but she looked at me and said:
"you know what your problem is? you're a people pleaser. you care so much for everyone else that you forget to take care of yourself. you talk all day about how beautiful and amazing the people are around you, but you never think of yourself. you need love. you need someone who is going to sit down and listen to you. you need someone who is going to give you the love you're afraid to ask for."

...and i've never looked at life, the same since.

because then i looked up to the sky, holding my heart in my hands and said:
"please. please please oh please life, you have taken everything from me. everything. just please don't take him too, i still need him, i love him."

it was foolish to be wishing like that; people have to leave us after all...and surely enough he did.

because one day while he was with the angels, he put his hand on my shoulder and said:
"please don't cry, i still love you with all my heart and i'll never stop loving you. ever. i swore to myself in my last minute, 'i promise to take care of all of those who took care for me'. because if i didn't go, life would've gotten worse, and i couldn't do that. not to me, not to you, not to anyone. you've been so strong all this time, and i'm proud of you, i need to go now but i'll see you soon. i love you."

it occurred to me at that moment, everything i do now, everything i see, feel, hear, it happens for a reason.


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